chapdrum's JournalIs the participation of insurers in health care immoral?
That is the general question I'm posing.
"Real Time with Bill Maher"
Last night's show was a doozy:
Bill did (at minimum) a puffball one-on-one with retired/"retired" Gen. Michael Hayden (plugging his book), he of both the CIA and the NSA. The general was in dress but casual attire. (I remember when John Ehrlichman, after his guilt by association with Nixon, grew a big beard and moved to rural Santa Fe - got all folksy and stuff.)
Michael Eric Dyson gave an unequivocal endorsement of Hillary.
Fran Lebowitz said nothing of interest or import.
The Cosmo editor - wtf?
Highlight was Mark Ruffalo, calling out Jerry Brown for being a climate change poseur.
Why (or "why") does corporate media not notice Trump's
obvious aping of Mussolini's physical demeanor?
In theory, that might slow his momentum.
I for one am watching to see if this gets introduced.
Some HRC supporters are as fact aversive
as the Republicans:
She did support W's fraudulent, murderous invasion of Iraq (got WMD?);
She does receive $200,000 (or so) for willingly speaking to the predatory likes of Goldman Sachs, and when asked
to release the scripts, she laughs in response (a variation on "let them eat cake" ;
Her daughter does have an affiliation with the Peter Peterson (another billionaire Reagan hack) Foundation; one of its missions is to dismantle or privatize Social Security;
She does take campaign contributions from Wall Street.
If these can be refuted, please post. Thank you.
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Member since: Wed Apr 1, 2015, 04:17 PMNumber of posts: 930