Yorktown's JournalO'Reilly's book on the attempted assassination of R. Reagan savaged by historians.
Silver lining for O'Reilly: his book sells like hot buns, top of the Nielsen sales charts.
But I don't remember a book mauled so badly by the experts.
The wiki article is brutal:
In response, Bill O'Reilly took to the airwaves on October 19, 2015, ducking the criticism and calling his critics "zealots and jealous people." He also called the criticisms "comical," to which Reagan Historian Craig Shirley responded "So far, I've written four books on Ronald Reagan, written dozens of articles, given dozens of lectures, am a trustee of Eureka College, taught a course there [titled] Reagan 101, and have lectured at the Reagan Library and the Reagan Ranch. It is fair to say we probably know a little bit more about Ronald Reagan than Bill O'Reilly. We certainly know the facts of Ronald Reagan."
The following day, Ed Meese, who served as Counselor to the President (1981-1985) and as U.S. Attorney General (1985-1988) penned a joint op-ed with Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Executive Director John Heubusch detailed even more inaccuracies in O'Reilly's book, saying "we believe that 'Killing Reagan' does a real disservice to our 40th president and to history itself." The same day, President Reagan's Assistant for Political and Intergovernmental Affairs also penned an op-ed for The Washington Times disputing O'Reilly's key thesis as another discredited "senility myth" about Ronald Reagan.
Even more criticisms came from reporters at the Washington Post, who looked into O'Reilly's claim to have "double-sourced everything" in his book. On October 19, 2015, about a month after the book was published, O'Reilly's researcher first reached out to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to obtain a document that O'Reilly himself called a "key part of the book." On October 21, 2015, it was reported that the fact-checker that O'Reilly and Dugard commissioned to research and fact-check the manuscript for "Killing Reagan" bailed on the project after realizing that the authors were "distorting" material, in her opinion.
Australia: Fury as Muslim students allowed to walk out of assembly during national anthem
The excuse given was that a Shia day of religious mourning.
By that logic, for the mourning of the crucifixion of a Mr 'Jesus' (real name unknown) on a day which is vaguely the spring equinox that European pagans used to celebrate, singing national anthems might be banned if there is a Christian minority around?
Accomodation of religious whims and fancies is getting out of control..
Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School principal Cheryl Irving said she was allowing Shia children to opt out of singing or listening to the anthem because it was a religious month of mourning and they should not be forced to take part in joyous events.
Muharram is a Shia cultural observation marking the death of Imam Hussein, Ms Irving said. This year it falls between Tuesday October 13 and Thursday November 12.
Prior to last weeks Years 2-6 assembly, in respect of this religious observance, students were given the opportunity to leave the hall before music was played.
Islamist Stabs Jew, Punches Rabbi in Marseille, France
Interfaith dialogue as usual..
The synagogue is located in the center of the southern French city, where there are many hareidi-religious Jews, synagogues and yeshivot.
According to a report posted on the Hebrew-language website Bhadarei Haredim, the attacker was a young man of Arab appearance.
The rabbi, who spoke with a writer at the website, said the attacker yelled, Yahud, Allahu Akbar! The attacker punched the rabbi with his fists, and he shouted again, Itbah al-Yahud! as the rabbi fell to the ground.
The top 10 lies of Reza Aslan
It's a video which is a bit longuish (50 mns), but worth it while doing sth else.
Meanwhile, Sherif Gaber remains a great guy:
Egyptian (sentenced for atheism) shreds islamic 'miracles' to pieces
#t=254Wiki on Sherif Gaber:
Sherif Gaber (full name Sherif Gaber Abdelzim Bakr), born c. 1993 (Arabic: شريف جابر عبد العظيم] is an Egyptian political activist and blogger who was arrested on October 27, 2013 for professing atheism, contempt of religion relating to activities on campus and atheist statements online, and spreading immoral values "defending homosexuality".
In April 2013 Gaber was in his second semester at the Suez Canal University in Ismailia, Egypt. He was enrolled in a science class with a professor named Elsaid Farrag. In one of the classes, Professor Farrag was giving a lecture on homosexuality and stated: Homosexuality is a sin. Gays and lesbians shall be crucified in the middle of the streets, stoned, and burned to death!" Gaber suggested looking at homosexuality from a scientific perspective since it was a science class, but in response Farrag questioned Gaber's religious beliefs. Gaber responded that science suggested that homosexuality is neither a choice nor unnatural. Farrag then proceeded to ban him from ever participating in class again, threatened to extend his time at school to eight years, and threatened to give him a failing grade in every course. He continued to publicly harass him for the remaining two hours of class.
The following week in class, Farrag with other teachers, one of them called Ramy Mohammad Husien were holding a printed version of everything he had posted to his Facebook page that they felt went against Islam or was in support of free speech. They read the posts aloud to the class and ended by telling Gaber, along with the entire class, that he would take the papers over to the public prosecutor to have him imprisoned. Gaber received an F in that class in June 2013, even though he got an A+ in the first term "Jan. 2013"
- on October 27, 2013, three armored state security cars and an army vehicle arrived at Gaber's house. (..)
- On February 16, 2015 Gaber was found guilty and sentenced to one year in jail. (..)
- Gaber's whereabouts are unknown, but in July 2015 the blog Patheos reported that Gaber had been releasing pro-science and pro-human rights videos on YouTube.[10]
We Need to Talk About Islam’s Jihadism Problem
Its time to confront Islamism head onwithout cries of Islamophobia. Holding Islam up to scrutiny, rationally and ethically, must not be confused with anti-Muslim bigotry.
Talking about Islam today is a dangerous business. Disagreements about the role this religion plays in the world have become a wellspring of intolerance and violence. Cartoonists have been massacred in Paris to shouts of We have avenged the Prophet! Secular bloggers have been hacked to death in Bangladesh. (..)
For years, Western politicians and commentators have struggled to understand this phenomenon. And many have struggled not to understand it, denying any link between Muslim extremism and the religion of Islam.(..)
What most discussions of Muslim extremism miss, and what is obfuscated at every turn by commentators like Glenn Greenwald, Reza Aslan, Karen Armstrongand even Nicholas Kristof and Ben Affleckis the power of specific religious ideas such as martyrdom, apostasy, blasphemy, prophecy, and honor. These ideas do not represent the totality of Islam, but neither are they foreign to it. Nor do they exist in precisely the same way in other faiths. (..)
The underlying ideologywe call it Islamismhas metastasized and must be confronted directly. After more than a decade of conventional, physical wars, we must finally wage an effective war of ideas. Islamism, often referred to as political Islam, is the desire to impose a version of Islam on the rest of society. (..) After more than a decade of conventional, physical wars, we must finally wage an effective war of ideas.
Political Islam is an offshoot of religious Islam and draws much of its inspiration from the Quran and the hadith (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad). To be sure, it does not represent the faith in all its forms, but unless challenged, the underlying problems of religious literalism, dogmatism, and pious intolerance are left untreated and continue to spread. A poll in 2014, published in the Saudi-owned newspaper al-Hayat, found that 92 percent of Saudis believe that ISIS conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law. Clearly, ISIS has something to do with Islam. (..)
Of course, the Bible contains barbaric passages, as well. But there are historical and theological reasons why Christians and Jews can now easily ignore them. Unfortunately, out of excessive concern not to appear biased, many liberals consider any discussion of the special problem posed by Islamism to be a sign of bigotry. This attitude helps bar the door to reform.
To call ISIS un-Islamic, as President Obama has repeatedly done, and as Prime Minister Cameron recently stopped doing, is to play a dangerous game with words. Calling out and combating the ideology of Islamism is the only way that non-Muslims can help those liberal Muslims who wish to reform their faith from within. And failing to do so means abandoning the most vulnerable in Muslim communitieswomen, gays, apostates, freethinkers, (..)
Ancient Pastafarian Relic Unearthed
Albania's Directional Driller was recently touring the ancient Illyrian city of Apollonia in present day Albania when he came across a tablet that depicts his noodliness. If you look closely you will see at the bottom of the tablet his holiness the FSM is getting drunk via Illyrian wine jugs.
Blessed be the Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster (may pesto be upon it),
which has been rightfully venerated since the dawn of time immemorial (insert cliché here)
God hates Renoir (the painter)
God hates so many things, it doesn't come as a shocker...
A group of playful protesters picketed outside the Museum of Fine Arts on Monday, expressing their dislike of painter Pierre-Auguste Renoirs work.
By Mark Shanahan GLOBE STAFF OCTOBER 05, 2015
Its nothing personal, says Ben Ewen-Campen, he just doesnt think French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir is much of a painter. Monday, the Harvard postdoc joined some like-minded aesthetes for a playful protest outside the Museum of Fine Arts. The rally, which mostly bewildered passersby, was organized by Max Geller, creator of the Instagram account Renoir Sucks at Painting, who wants the MFA to take its Renoirs off the walls and replace them with something better. Holding homemade signs reading God Hates Renoir and Treacle Harms Society, the protesters ate cheese pizza purchased by Geller, and chanted: Put some fingers on those hands! Give us work by Paul Gauguin ! and Other art is worth your while! Renoir paints a steaming pile!
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