Still In Wisconsin
Still In Wisconsin's JournalScott Walker just pulled ahead in Wisconsin.
Maybe we really are that stupid. But, there are still a handful of votes out there, and it's relatively close. There's still a chance.
The Green Bay Packers defense now has a soundtrack:
Scott Walker just got re-elected: Evers campaign PLAGIARIZED sections of the Evers budget
This is the SAME goddamned thing that Mary Burke let happen when she lost to Walker four years ago. I swear Wisconsin Democrats just can't get out of their own way. The state Party continues to be just comically inept.
GOP Gov. Scott Walker's campaign ripped Evers for his handling of the budget plan on Friday, just hours before Walker and his Democratic opponent were to debate.
more at
Next: Susan Collins will say she has assurances that Kavanaugh will be impartial and fair-minded.
Susan Collins will then vote to confirm when the full Senate takes its vote next week. So will Murkowski.
Collins will then express shock and dismay when Kavanaugh overturns Roe, rules in favor of Trump and his associates in every case that comes before SCOTUS, protects Trump from indictment, and on and on and on.
Fuck Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Murkowski, and every other Republican "moderate" who claims to be above the rancorous state that US politics is currently mired in. You're no better than any of them, spineless Republican "moderates," you're just as much part of the problem as people like Ted Cruz, Ghomert, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and other teabaggers. In fact Senators like Collins are worse in my book. At least with the teabaggers you know what you're getting.
So, it's not fair to "the process" or to Kavanaugh to delay his confirmation vote for a week or so
in order to investigate credible rape accusations, BUT it's perfectly fair to not even speak to Merrick Garland for over a year? Do I understand that correctly?
Senators get FIVE MINUTES to ask questions of a woman who was ALMOST CERTAINLY ASSAULTED BY Kavanaugh (look up the statistics on false rape accusations; they almost NEVER happen) but we hold up the Garland nomination for a year until after an election? Rapey Brett gets seated on the Supreme Court while women who have come forward with information regarding someone about to receive a LIFETIME APPOINTMENT to SCOTUS will now endure death threats probably for the rest of their natural born lives, if in fact, some whack-a-doodle MAGA imbecile doesn't kill them and/or their families first?
Got it, Senator Hatch. Seems legit.
According to CNN, polls say Republican Party has highest favorability number in seven years...
Whaaaa? Maybe this country IS just that stupid.
Football question regarding Kaepernick:
Does anyone know whether Kap is still hoping/ working toward playing ball again?
Apart from his status as a leader for social justice, dude is a hell of a dangerous quarterback. He torched my Packers bigtime a few times, and I have to believe he's still probably better than half of the guys currently starting in the NFL. I know he's got to be in the right system to take advantage of his running/ read-option abilities and mobility both inside and outside the pocket, but there MUST be a place for a guy this good. I mean, that is, if the owners aren't colluding...
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