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My peeler just broke.

It was the best peeler ever and I'm really going to miss it.

Clinton/Trump Race Tight in South Carolina
toward being competitive in the Presidential race this year, just like in
neighboring Georgia. Donald Trump has only a 2 point lead with 41% to 39% for
Hillary Clinton, 5% for Gary Johnson, and 2% for Jill Stein.
fall or not, the generational differences in the state portend well for the party in
the decades ahead. Trump is only ahead because of a massive advantage among
seniors in the state at 58/30. When you look at everyone in the electorate below
the age of 65, Clinton leads Trump 41/36. That suggests the potential for the
Palmetto State to become much more of a battleground in the years ahead, just as
in migration and the increasing diversity of the electorate has done in Southern
states like Virginia and North Carolina.
South Carolinians have progressive stances on a number of key issues going on
this year:
-84% of voters in the state support background checks on all gun purchases, to
only 10% who are opposed to them. That includes bipartisan support from 86% of
Democrats, 83% of independents, and 82% of Republicans.
more at link
Do folks here really get their news from Cenk Uygur?
I've been chatting with two coworkers on and off for about 5 years,
None of us know each others names.
It's freaking awkward. I wish they would just stop the idle chit chat and get back to work. I'm simply not interested in their colonoscopy results or their bladder control issues.
Tomorrow, I'm going to jump into my pool,
and pretend I'm Katie Ledecky
The Trump Tower climber and the danger of Trump's rhetoric.
We have a mental health crisis, world wide.
ISIS has been taking advantage of this, and now Trump is also fueling the fire.
Anger and rage is toxic for our mentally ill. And that's why Trump's very careless comments the other day are potentially dangerous.
We all need to do our part in toning down the anger. Anger never accomplishes anything productive, and it can cause devastating effects, especially when it consumes our most vulnerable.
Wow! What a match.
Congrats Walsh-Jenning/Ross.
And kudos to Forrer. She played one helluva game, especially in light of what looked like a painful neck injury.
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Member since: Sat Oct 11, 2014, 10:15 PM
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