KMOD's JournalYoung voters flee Donald Trump in what may be historic trouncing, poll shows
The survey shows Clinton trouncing Trump 56%-20% among those under 35, though she has failed so far to generate the levels of enthusiasm Sanders did and the high turn-out that can signal among Millennials.
Trump's weakness among younger voters is unprecedented, lower even than the 32% of the vote that the Gallup Organization calculates Richard Nixon received among 18-to-29-year-old voters in 1972, an era of youthful protests against the Vietnam War.
Pretty good article. There's much more polling data at the link.
Clinton and Kaine Are Challenging White Americans on Racial Issues
In their speeches on racial issues, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine have made an argument that President Obama rarely has: white Americans in particular need to change their views and perspectives to fix the nation's racial problems.
"We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day," Clinton said last month at the NAACP's annual convention.
She added, "We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume that our experiences are everyone's experiences. We all need to try as best we can to walk in one another's shoes, to imagine what it would be like to sit our son or daughter down and have the talk about how carefully they need to act around police because the slightest wrong move could get them hurt or even killed."
You all know that if President Obama tried to speak out on it, many would be in a tizzy.
About Cartoon Hillary…
On the other hand, the bullshit being thrown about the other major candidate in this race is even more troubling. I wish I was able to say I dont know why so many people peddle such bullshit about Hillary Clinton, but I know very well why it happens. A lot of extremely powerful people have spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to destroy her and her husband, one of the only two competent presidents weve had since 1981. They have peddled lie after lie and they have done so with a single aim; to take them out of the politics.
Has it worked? You tell me. She is the odds-on favorite to become the second Clinton to be elected president so, on the one hand, it hasnt worked out at all for the bullshitters. However, a lot of people,
including many otherwise intelligent self-described progressives, still propagate the bullshit, to the point that it lives on, long after most of it was debunked. The most stunning part of all of this is the sheer number of progressives who used to defend her now using the bullshit to smear her.
And a lot of liberals and progressives are just plain sick of hearing it. I promise you.
This liberal is certainly sick of hearing it. I give this a thumbs up

Pelosi warns colleagues of harassing calls and messages
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi warned fellow Democrats on Saturday to change their cellphone numbers and not let family members read their text messages after personal and official information of Democratic House members and congressional staff was posted online.
Pelosi told Democratic lawmakers that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and other Democratic Party entities were the target of "an electronic Watergate break-in."
As a result, a mix of personal and official information of Democratic members and hundreds of congressional staff, purportedly from a hack of the DCCC, was posted online, Pelosi said.
A hacker who calls himself Guccifer 2.0 took credit for posting the information Friday night. He had claimed responsibility for the recent hack of Democratic National Committee emails, which roiled the Democratic National Convention last month.
Pelosi said she was flying from Florida to California when she heard about the posting of information such as cell phone numbers
"Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages," Pelosi said in her letter to colleagues. "Please be careful not to allow your children or family members to answer your phone or read incoming text messages. This morning, I am changing my phone number and I advise you to do so as well."
Claremont McKenna College Has a Race Problem — This is Also On Us
Overt racism as it has existed in the past (images of Emmett Tills disfigured face images of Black students being spat on as they attempted to desegregate learning institutions in the 1950s come to mind) is rarely seen in the open. No one has ever called me a nigger to my face. This does not mean that racism does not exist. Racism is a scary word. No one wants to be considered racist but what does being racist actually mean in the 21st century? According to the Oxford dictionary, racism is the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. So while I have never been called a nigger to my face, I have had peers imply that I was only admitted to CMC because of my race, to fill a diversity quota. This stands, despite my scoring in the 99th percentile on the ACT and my invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall with my school orchestra (Choate Rosemary Hall), that I was given after over 15 years of formal classical violin training. While I have never been called a nigger to my face, a peer that I had once hooked up with, drunkenly told his friends that he doesnt fuck with that ethnic pussy in reference to me, immediately devaluing my womanhood and identity in a public space in Appleby dorm, in fact. While I have never been called a nigger to my face, Ive cringed as people have confused me with other women of color, or assumed I go to Pitzer because of my race.While I have never been called a nigger to my face, I have received an event invitation to Pirate Party on Facebook, where the cover photo depicted Black slaves and the caption was a directive to them, Id like the bouncy house over there.
full article here:
So a lot of people are in a tizzy over a Claremont College student seeking a POC roommate on facebook. Claremont, where a college dean resigned after telling a student "they didn't fit the CMC mold."
Doesn't seem shocking to me at all why the student was seeking a POC as a fourth roommate. In fact, I'm more disturbed by the student who made it a big issue. Why exactly was Dalia Zada offended by this? Why did she feel the need to respond to the posting?
So in light of how this facebook scrimmage is making the news, I'm adding some context for why this facebook posting likely occurred.
How gentle is the rain, that falls softly on the meadow?
[/youtube]Nighty-night DU
I'm taking my two daughters and my son
to see my Dad's sister on Sunday.
It feels awkward, but it also feels right.
This is my children's last chance to meet my Dad's side of the family, and it's also my aunt's last chance to see her brother's grandchildren. She's terminal and doesn't have much time left.
I'm a big believer in family, a big believer in love, a big believer in hope and a big believer in forgiveness.
She also was the only member on my dad's side that I've ever felt comfortable with. I lived with her for a few weeks while my mom was hospitalized.
In spite of it all, it is hitting me emotionally. I don't know how to describe it. It's bittersweet. It's relief, yet pain. It's happiness yet sadness. It's forgiveness, yet sorrow.
Go ahead, name me one currently serving Democrat
that has accomplished more than Hillary Clinton has in her lifetime.
Hillary Clinton has always been a strong fighter for liberal and progressive issues. Always. And she has the record to show it.
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