KMOD's JournalDon't worry...
It's the Electoral College that matters,
and Hillary has a commanding hold on it.
According to the latest forecasts from the New York Times, Hillary has 1,023 ways to win, Rump has 1.
Poll: Young people trust Hillary Clinton more on police violence
Young Americans across racial and ethnic groups are more likely to trust Clinton than Trump to handle police violence against African-Americans. That's by a 61 percent-to-5 percent margin among young blacks, 58 percent to 6 percent among young Latinos, 56 percent to 8 percent among Asian-Americans, and 44 percent to 20 percent among young whites.
63 days to go! GOTV!
OK Trof, I will try to remember that advice.
More Colin Kaepernick practice socks
I think he really likes socks.
I hope all the people who are selfishly considering voting
for a third party, or staying home, watched trump's speech tonight.
I hope they now realize that the two parties aren't the same.
Anyone who plays games and risks a potential trump presidency is repulsive.
People's lives and civil rights are at stake. Don't be the jerk that allows it to happen.
Rudolph Shares A Lunch To Remember With Area Middle Schooler
Junior receiver Travis Rudolph did just that on Tuesday, when he gave a sixth-grader at Tallahassees Montford Middle School a lunch that neither will soon forget.
Five Seminoles Rudolph, Dalvin Cook, Derwin James, Deondre Francois and Jalen Wilkerson visited the school to meet with some area kids.
While eating lunch (pizza, of course), Rudolph noticed one child sitting by himself.
So Rudolph grabbed a slice, made his way over and sat down.
The Shirelles
Nighty-night DU
Ya know, folks that are still fighting the primaries are one thing
but when people start critiquing your marriage, it's gone too fucking far.
When people start excusing Anthony Weiner, it's gone too fucking far.
When people ignore the systemic racism, and the misogyny, it's gone too fucking far.
When people call you a Republican lite, or any other insult simply because you support Hillary Clinton, it's gone too fucking far.
I would like to hope that we can regroup, and work together, but I'm not holding much hope.
There are too many people here who are hell bent on not only destroying this site, but the Democratic party as well.
Carry on, but I'm sick of this shit.
Huma Abedin is a class act
Fuck Anthony Weiner.
Don't you dare try to tie his weirdo shit to her.
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