KMOD's JournalQuora: What Hillary Clinton's First 100 Days as President Might Look Like
Thats a great question. From proposing a comprehensive immigration reform bill with a path to citizenship to introducing a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, I want to hit the ground running in my first 100 daysbecause theres so much we have to do.
A critical part of that work is building an economy that everyone can be proud of and be a part of. Weve come a long way since the Great Recession, but weve still got a lot of work to do to ensure everyone who wants to work can find a good-paying jobone that pays enough to support a family. Thats why Ive pledged that in my first 100 days as president, well make the boldest investment in good-paying jobs since World War II.
read more here:
Democrats are much more excited about Hillary Clinton than Republicans are about Donald Trump
Since then, her trajectory has been in one direction: down. And before the Democratic National Convention two weeks ago, her numbers were worse than at any point in her political career.
That was then.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll is the latest to show Clinton surging to a big lead in the presidential race. And a large reason for that is that Democrats have quickly rallied to her cause. Today, 63 percent of Democrats say they have a "strongly favorable" opinion of Clinton. That number is up a whopping 21 points from less than a month ago, and it's the highest it has been since 2012, when Clinton was a popular secretary of state.
I'm certainly excited. But I have always had a strong favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton.
Your ass is showing and you look ridiculous
If you're one of those posters who keep pumping tRump,
Your ass is showing and you look ridiculous.
If you're one of those posters who keeps fighting the primaries,
Your ass is showing and you look ridiculous.
If you're one of those posters who keep posting RW shit about Hillary Clinton,
Your ass is showing and you look ridiculous.
It's time to cover your ass. You are not fooling anyone and you look ridiculous.
I think it's fantastic, that we have such an awesome candidate to represent us.
Intelligent, classy, and kick ass strong.
They have a freaking psychopath.
This election is a no-brainer.
GOTV. The Democratic Party is once again the cool, rational, intelligent, and ready to get stuff done party.
The other parties? bleh!
Unofficial, unscientific, random grocery store poll
I talked to random people at the grocery store today and asked who they were voting for. Here is what I found.
10 - Hillary Clinton
3 - Lady, I'm just here to buy beer
1 - What aisle is the peanut butter in?
1 - Can you reach that box on the top shelf?
1 - Ma'am I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Dear, sweet, Tammi Terrell, singing words of wisdom
Nighty-night DU
Ryan warns donors GOP could lose House: report
Ryan spoke in private last week to a group of donors at a political conference in Colorado sponsored by the industrialists Charles G. and David H. Koch.
During the conference, the speaker said donors shouldn't put their focus completely on retaining the Senate, and noted that Republican control of the House may also be at risk, the Times reported, citing a Republican who heard the talk.
There is reportedly growing concern among the party's biggest contributors over retaining control of Congress with Donald Trump as the party's nominee.
Democrats would need to pick up more than 30 House seats to take control. But according to the Times, Republicans are worried about a scenario in which they lose enough seats that Ryan is weakened and the party is on the defensive.
That would be delightful. GOTV. Let's make this happen.

Great letter to the editor from a veteran Media’s Obsession With Hillary Clinton’s Emails Is An Insult To All Voters
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a talk at the National Association of Black Journalists-National Association of Hispanic Journalists Convention Friday, during which she focused on expanding economic opportunity for African-Americans and Latinos across America.
But instead of focusing on this, the press went for the emails. Again.
The bottom line is the FBI found no evidence that Clinton broke the law with private emails. This happened in May. It was extensively covered. It is now August.
This tired attempt to revive these ginned up, phony scandals in order to create the illusion of a horse race is not serving the public.
Clinton will find a way to keep getting her message out there and she will find a way to help the press understand that there are not two dangerous cartoon characters running for president, thus one campaign is a drama-fueled stumble from gaffe-to-gaffe, full of delusions and absolute lies and one is not. She will hopefully do more press conferences even though the press is stuck in reverse with her emails, simply because its the right thing to do.
Its time for the press to let go of the failed attempt to make something of the phony email scandal and with it the false notion that there are two equal choices running for president. This obsession with Clintons emails has long ago jumped the shark and the hypocrisy of the press on this issue is troubling.
I'm still unsure whether the press is just too ignorant to grasp this, or if they are intentionally misleading people.

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