KMOD's JournalOh darn it to hell.
I have a sore throat.
For the moment, my doctor has advised me that I can continue to post at DU.
I just wanted to be upfront, and in full disclosure about this.
I have sent Skinner all of my health records, just in case.
I have instructed Skinner to release my health records once y'all have done the same.
In the meantime, please feel free to speculate on what fatal disease is causing my sore throat.
Thanks, and if I don't reply in the next 24 hours I'm probably dying or dead.
You never know til it all falls down,
somebody loves you
Nighty-night DU.
No more hurting people,
Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are just selfish idiots
out to help trump.
Eff them.
Don't kid yourself here, if you aren't voting for Hillary, you are voting for deplorable, disgusting, demoralizing Donald tRump.
Don't be that jerk that let a potential deplorable don presidency happen.
This is no time for games. Our civil rights, our equal rights and our very sanity is on the line.
I am proudly and enthusiastically supporting Hillary Clinton
people who support tRump, are deplorable.
Thank you, Hillary. Enough is enough.
I am proudly and enthusiastically supporting Hillary Clinton.
eff the haters. They are deplorable.
Tonight's nighty-night song is in rememberance of 9/11/2001
[/youtube]Enya, Only Time

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