grossproffit's JournalDocumenting Hate: New American Nazis. PBS Frontline episode from last night. reporting has helped lead to multiple arrests, and tonight, well bring you our second film in this series: Documenting Hate: New American Nazis.
Premiering at a special time (9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CST check local PBS listings), its an investigation of a violent neo-Nazi group called Atomwaffen Division that has actively recruited inside the U.S. military, and that calls for racially-motivated lone wolf attacks like the shooting last month at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. In fact, our reporting in the past few days has shown that authorities are looking at the online relationship between the accused synagogue shooter and two neo-Nazi brothers with a connection to Atomwaffen.
ProPublica and A.C. are long-time collaborators with FRONTLINE. We turned to them after they established Documenting Hate, a cross-platform effort aimed at collecting and verifying hate crimes and bias incidents across the country.
One thing that surprised me was the hard turn towards anti-Semitism among young people in the current white supremacist movement, A.C. told me. In the early days of this white power revival say 2015, 2016 the movement was animated by a discomfort with immigration and the changing demographics in America and disdain for Muslims. But pretty quickly the movement became immersed in anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, the same sort of twisted lore and logic that had motivated the hardcore racist fringe during the 1980s and 1990s and for many, many years before that.
Debra Messing Joins Alyssa Milano in Denouncing Women's March
Will & Grace star Debra Messing is the latest to speak out against the Women's March and the fact that its leaders, Tamika Mallory, Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez, and Bob Bland, refuse to distance themselves from the vitriolic anti-Semitic, homophobic, and transphobic Louis Farrakhan.
Thursday night, Messing tweeted out an article from The Advocate in which #MeToo activist Alyssa Milano said she would not speak at the next Women's March as long as its leaders refuse to condemn Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan's anti-Semitism
Any time that there is any bigotry or anti-Semitism in that respect, it needs to be called out and addressed. Im disappointed in the leadership of the Womens March that they havent done it adequately, Milano told The Advocate last week when asked if she would speak at the next Women's March, given leaders Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour's association with a man who warrants his own page from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups. I would say no at this point. Unfortunate that none of them have come forward against him at this point. Or even given a really good reason why to support them."
Farrakhan's hatred of Jewish and LGBTQ people is well documented.
Alyssa Milano condemns Women's March for refusing to condemn Louis Farrakhan
Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano says she wants nothing to do with the national Womens March amid the groups continued refusal to denounce the racist and anti-Semitic rantings of Louis Farrakhan.
Any time that there is any bigotry or anti-Semitism in that respect, it needs to be called out and addressed, Ms. Milano told The Advocate in a recent interview, adding that shes disappointed in the Womens March leaders who have failed to denounce the Nation of Islam leader.
Mr. Farrakhan, an admitted admirer of Adolf Hitler who has a long history of making racist, anti-Semitic comments, came under fire most recently for comparing Jews to termites. Womens March cochair Tamika Mallory proudly sat in the audience during one of Mr. Farrakhans bigoted rants earlier this year and praised him on social media as the greatest of all time. Ms. Mallory has refused to denounce Mr. Farrakhan despite continued backlash.
Womens March Co-chair Linda Sarsour defended Ms. Mallory and also refused to denounce Mr. Farrakhan or his statements. The organization was widely criticized after issuing a tepid response saying Mr. Farrakhans values did not align with theirs.
Malaysian prime minister calls Jews 'hook-nosed' Blames Jews for Middle East troubles.
The Malaysian prime minister has described Jews as hook-nosed and blamed them for creating the troubles in the Middle East reigniting accusations of antisemitism against him.
Mahathir Mohamad, who at 93 became the worlds oldest head of government after starting his second stint as prime minister in May, has for decades been accused of antisemitism for his attacks against Jews, whom he has accused of perpetrating a humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian territories.
If you are going to be truthful, the problem in the Middle East began with the creation of Israel. That is the truth. But I cannot say that, he said in an interview on BBCs Hard Talk.
Calling Israelis special, Mahathir challenged historical accounts that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, saying the figure was 4 million.
When asked about the description of Jews in his book The Malay Dilemma, he said: They are hook-nosed. Many people called the Malays fat-nosed. We didnt object, we didnt go to war for that.
Warsaw ghetto vandal to speak at Momentum's Corbyn festival
A woman who spray-painted graffiti tainted with anti-semitism on one of the last surviving walls of the Warsaw ghetto will speak at a Momentum event alongside the Labour Party conference this month.
Ewa Jasiewicz, a British anti-Israel activist, caused outrage with her desecration of the site, where an estimated 92,000 Jews died and 300,000 more were held before being transported to death camps.
Jasiewicz will speak from the platform at Momentums politics and arts festival, The World Transformed, which will take place in parallel with Labours conference in Liverpool. Other speakers will include Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor.
The ghetto was almost razed by the Germans in 1943, but in 2010 Jasiewicz and another activist, Yonatan Shapira, sprayed the words Liberate all ghettos and Free Gaza and Palestine on one of the few original walls.
Describing themselves as civilians with little else in our hands aside from our solidarity and a spray can, Jasiewicz and Shapira said it was a small act of unarmed resistance against how Israel had co-opted the Holocaust to serve agendas of colonisation and repression.
At the time, Yad Vashem, the Holocaust remembrance centre in Jerusalem, described the graffiti as tainted with anti-semitism.
Labour suspends councillor Jim Sheridan after anti-Semitism rant
The Labour Party has suspended councillor and former MP Jim Sheridan after an outburst on Facebook over the anti-Semitism row.
The 65-year-old, who has not commented since his social media rant, had written:
"For all my adult life I have had the utmost respect and empathy for the Jewish community and their historic suffering. No longer due to what they and their Blairite plotters are doing to my party and the long-suffering people of Britain who need a radical Labour government."
The Facebook post has since been removed.
I cannot tolerate antisemitism so I'm leaving Labour
Being a member of the Labour Party, as well as a lifelong Labour voter, has been agony this week. There have been many such weeks: I have made no secret of my concern at Corbyns politics since he became leader nearly three years ago.
I cannot support a party which does not accept the internationally recognised definition of antisemitism, which allows by omission from this international definition a member to call a Jewish person a Nazi, or to accuse a Jewish person of being more loyal to Israel than to their home country, or to claim that Israels very existence is a racist endeavour.
At a time when the far right is creeping back into Eastern Europe, when Facebook permits Holocaust denial, when authorities in Austria draw up plans to register Jews to buy kosher meat, surely the Labour Party, with its long record of fighting racism and social injustice, should be at the vanguard of fighting rising antisemitism, not enabling it?
Not Corbyns Labour Party, it seems. The refusal to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliances definition has understandably caused consternation in the Jewish community, including the Chief Rabbi.
10 arrested in Germany for beating Jewish man wearing Star of David necklace
Ten people were arrested in Berlin after an anti-Semitic attack in the heart of the German capital, police announced Sunday. The victim, a 25-year-old Jewish man of Syrian descent, said he was beaten by a group of men and women when they noticed he was wearing a Star of David necklace.
The attack occurred Friday night in a park in the city center. The young man told the police that he approached the group to ask for a light for his cigarette. One man gave it to him, but then began to argue with the victim and apparently took the cigarette out of the victims mouth.
According to the victims account, when the man noticed that he was wearing a necklace with a Star of David pendant, he ripped off the necklace and sounded anti-Semitic slurs towards the victim.
This dog star wont help you now, he allegedly shouted, among other things, according to media reports. The victim also told the police that the assailant punched him several times until he fell to the ground. He tried to run away but fell down again, and the group members that had chased him then punched and kicked him again.
Only when passersby tried to intervene did the attackers finally stop and attempted to flee the scene. Police officers nearby apprehended the group three women and seven men, between the ages of 15 and 25 and of Syrian and German nationalities.
Groups are demanding state funding to 'honestly' dealing with anti-Semitism among the Muslim community
George Webb employee seriously injured after attack from man who went behind counter
Milwaukee police are looking for the man who went behind the counter of a south side George Webb Restaurant and punched an employee in the face.
It happened Friday, June 29 -- just after 1 a.m. at the restaurant near S. 21st and Mitchell.
Police say the woman was seriously injured and was transported to an area hospital. Police say they are now searching for a known suspect.
Near the end of the video, a George Webb co-worker is seen pointing a gun at the suspect to get him away from the victim.
Uber Driver Suspended After Kicking Lesbian Couple Out Of Car
A New York Uber and cab driver has found himself out of work after kicking a lesbian couple out of his car in the middle of a trip, reports CNBC.
Alex Iovine and Emma Pichl hailed an Uber in Brooklyn for a ride to Manhattan.
"We were sitting in the two window seats with the middle seat between us," Iovine told CNBC. "At one point we turned to each other and pecked on the lips."
That was when the driver, Ahmad El Boutari, stopped the car and asked the couple to get out. They thought he was joking, but realized he was serious when he got out of the car, opened the back door, and repeated his request. They got out, and then Iovine started recording on her cell phone.
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