grossproffit's JournalBernie--It's Time
I got another fundraising email from Bernies campaign yesterday after the Kentucky and Oregon primaries
.below is my response.
Dear Bernie
After giving hundreds of dollars I am stopping my contributions. I believe passionately in your agenda and a call for a political revolution. But you have lost the vote fair and square. Hillary has won more delegates, and will beat you to the finish line, without regard to super delegates.
It is time to unite the Democratic Party. I want a party that tackles climate change, provides Medicare for all, reforms criminal justice, supports Black Lives Matter, ends corruption and influence of wall st, provides a $15 minimum wage, and together we have moved solidly in this direction.
But Clinton has more delegates. And I want to beat Trump and to win the House and Senate. If you keep calling the democrats corrupt you risk a Ralph Nader like disaster, and I want no part of it.
I have stopped my automatic contributions, and want to focus on the platform and winning the general election...You can be a leader in that fight once you acknowledge that role.
I want to win a massive victory in Nov. And I want you to help the democrats do that.
Toby S.
PS I have taken down the yard sign I was planning to leave up until the California primary. [con't at link]
Boy makes puppy watch Youtube tutorials in lieu of obedience school
When a boy's parents told him that he was responsible for training his new puppy, what they didn't expect was just how smart their iPad-toting son was.
Lincoln Ball, 4, was given a puppy after his doctor discovered he was severely allergic to outdoor allergens, his father Daniel Ball told ABC News.
"The allergy doctor said half-jokingly, 'Well there's good news and bad news. The bad news is you're allergic to everything outside. The good news is you're not allergic to pets. You could get a puppy,'" he said.
Ball, 35, said the only thing his son, the youngest of four children with wife Tasha, heard was that he could get a puppy and so the family got a Saint Bernard puppy.
Ball said that he and his wife, who live in Chickamauga, Georgia, have never had a dog throughout their 15-year marriage. He told his son that it was "his responsibility to learn how to train the dog," so he suggested looking up YouTube tutorials.
"He got the video all lined up," Ball recalled, "and then he called the dog over and started playing it directly to the dog."
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