grossproffit's JournalPopular vote so far: Clinton 3,401,138 Sanders 2,240,812
Please feel free to make any corrections. I had a bit of free time this morning.
Data taken from
Alabama C 309,680 S 76,376
Arkansas C 142,910 S 64,072
Colorado C 49,102 S 71,627
Georgia C 536,250 S 213,464
Iowa C 701 S 697
Massachusetts C 588,590 S 568,378
Minnesota C 71,047 S 114,265
Nevada C 6,309 S 5,668
New Hampshire C 95,252 S 151,584
Oklahoma C 139,338 S 174,054
South Carolina C 271,514 S 95,977
Tennessee C 245,304 S 120,333
Texas C 927,433 S 471,891
Vermont C S 112,426
Clinton 3,401,138
309,680 + 142,910 + 49,103 + 536,250 + 701 + 588,590 + 71,047 + 6,309 + 95,252 + 139,338 + 271,514 + 245,304 + 927,433 + 17,707
Sanders 2,240,812
76,376 + 64,072 + 71,627 + 213,464 + 697 + 568,378 + 114,265 + 5,668 + 151,584 + 174,054 + 95,977 + 120,333 + 471,891 + 112,426
Hillary won Austin, TX! is in Travis county.
Oklahoma Clinton 40, Sanders 31 Clinton +9 Clinton 60 Sanders 33 Clinton +26 wishes to both our candidates on the eve of the South Carolina primary.

Go Bernie! Go Hillary!

Illinois, Clinton leads Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, 51 percent to 32 percent
February 22, 2016
DEMOCRATS For the Democratic presidential primary in Illinois, Clinton leads Vermont
Senator Bernie Sanders, 51 percent to 32 percent among self-declared primary voters in the state.
There are 16 percent who are undecided.
Clinton leads in Chicago, the Chicago suburbs and among downstate Democrats. She and
Sanders split the votes of men but she leads among women. And in a pattern seen in earlier
contests, Sanders leads with voters under age 35, but Clinton bests him with those over 35.
Clinton also holds a comfortable lead among minority voters.
The sample of 422 Democratic primary voters was also from the Feb. 15-20 statewide poll. The
Democratic results have a margin of error of 4.7 percent.
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