grossproffit's JournalEgypt starts dig on Gaza border to stop smuggling tunnels
[quote] Last November, after militants killed 31 Egyptian troops in an assault on a checkpoint 20 miles (30 kilometers) from Rafah, Egypt demolished hundreds of homes and evicted thousands of residents as it carved out a buffer zone and destroyed more tunnels. Today, Palestinian smugglers operate an estimated 20 tunnels.
But the violence has continued. Last month, Islamic State-linked militants struck Egyptian army outposts in a coordinated wave of suicide bombings and battles. It was some of Sinai's deadliest fighting in decades and underlined the government's failure to stem the insurgency. Last week, three gunmen in a speeding car killed two policemen in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group.
Now Egypt is trying to finish off the tunnels for good.
Egypt's army began digging last week what officials said will be 18 fisheries along the 9-mile (14-kilometer) border with Gaza to grow mullet fish and shrimps, and to make digging underground tunnels impossible. The military officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. [/quote]
Egypt Re-Imposes Blockade on Gaza Crossing
[quote]Egypt again has shut down the crossing at the city of Rafah, which straddles the border between Gaza and the northern Sinai, after having re-opened it four days for emergency cases.
Egyptian officials said they prevented nearly 150 Arabs from leaving Gaza for the Sinai on Friday. The crossing has been closed since last October, except for brief periods, as part of the al-Sisi regimes campaign against Hamas.
Israel also has restricted passage, primarily to bar three Beer Sheba area-based sisters of Hamas de facto Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh from attending their nephews wedding because Hamas continues to hold two Israelis as captives.
One of them is a Bedouin from the northern Negev city of Hura, and the second man is Avera Mengistu, who has a mental condition and crossed the security fence in Gaza last year.
Israel has not commented on the Bedouin, but he reportedly has had previous contact with Gaza Arabs and may be involved in crime.[/quote]
Spanish festival backtracks, re-invites Jewish singer
"Following a barrage of criticism, organizers of an international reggae festival in Spain backtracked Wednesday and apologized for cancelling a concert by Jewish-American singer Matisyahu because he had declined to state his position regarding a Palestinian state.
Rototom Sunsplash festival said in a statement that it publicly apologized for canceling the concert and invites Matisyahu to play as originally planned on Saturday.
It said it recognized its mistake, adding that it had been the fruit of pressure by a local branch of the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement, which campaigned against Matisyahu's participation.
The change comes after the World Jewish Congress wrote to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, calling on him to condemn the cancellation, adding that the "scandalous behavior" of Rototom Sunsplash festival organizers demanded firm action by Spain.
The government also slammed the festival's decision."
British MP called 'Zionist scumbag' after criticizing party leadership candidate
MP's critical of Labour party leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn have received a bevy of anti-Semitic messages, even those within his same party, calling them "utter filth" and Zionist stooges," The Jewish Chronicle reported Monday.
Labour party MP John Mann, a vocal critic of Corbyn and chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism, said he had received over 40 such emails and tweets over the past six-weeks.
Mann claims the attacks have been coming from supporters of Corbyn, re-tweeting a number of messages suggesting the veteran MP was under the auspices of Israeli influence.
Mann went on to say that other MP's have received similar messages, including Jewish party members being accused of split loyalties between the UK and Israel, The Chronicle added.
I have very serious concerns about Jeremy Corbyns supporters, Mann said in an interview with the Sunday Press. Ive received some vicious antisemitic abuse... I have been described as a servant of the Israeli Prime Minister, a Nazi Zionist, a Zionist scumbag. This is all because I chair the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism.
Mann claims that many of those sending the hateful emails have openly expressed their support of Corbyn.
Foreign Ministry: Spanish festival's boycott of US Jew Matisyahu proves BDS is anti-Semitic
If you plan on going to the Sunsplash Rototom Reggae festival in Spain this week, you better not speak the Language of the Hebrewman. If you do, they might kick you out.
The festival's cancellation of a scheduled August 22 appearance by Jewish-American reggae artist Matisyahu under pressure from Boycott Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) activists unmasks the anti-Semitic nature of that movement, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Sunday.
We always said that BDS was not connected to the Palestinian issue or the settlements but was nothing more than Jew hatred, spokesman says after music festival drops American Jewish artist."
Matisyahu, Nachshon stressed, is not Israeli.
The 22-year-old music festival, which was founded in Italy but since 2009 takes place in Benicassim, north of Valencia, cancelled the scheduled appearance of Matisyahu following intense pressure from the BDS movement in Valencia to cancel the performance, saying the once-hassidic rapper has participated in pro-Zionist festivals and has said that Palestine does not exist.
Last Tuesday the festival, facing a boycott by five of the 250 artists booked for the week-long festival, wrote on its Facebook page that they contacted Matisyahu to determine his positions on Zionism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that the singer said that despite his support for Israel, he has never inserted his political positions into his shows.
Israeli Startups Set New All-Time Record, Raising $1.12B In Last Three Months
The Israeli high-tech industry has broken yet another record: In the second quarter of 2015, Israeli startups raised a striking $1.12 billion from investors, the largest quarterly investment in the history of the Startup Nation. The total, raised by 179 Israeli startup and high-tech companies, slightly exceeded the former record, $1.11 billion, set in the fourth quarter of 2014.
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