Chasstev365's JournalI'm Now Convinced!
Chachi" Endorses Donald J. Trump
The Fonzs Nephew Chachi Endorses Donald Trump
Scott Baio, he of Happy Days and Charles in Charge, tonight became the latest celebrity to endorse a presidential candidateand that candidate is Donald Trump.
Not Such a Landslide When You Take Away the Super Delegates:
Here is why Hillary and her supporters acting like the race is over and she is winning a landslide is so absurd:
Hillary Clinton: 1,606 - 467 superdelegates = 1139
Bernie Sanders: 851 - 26 superdelegates = 825
314 Difference
Based on a totally unfair fight, I'd say Bernie is doing pretty dam well! WHY THE HELL SHOULD BERNIE STEP DOWN NOW?
Not Scientific, but...
I live in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago; a fairly Republican area. I have seen several Bernie Sanders signs and NOT A SINGLE HILLARY CLINTON SIGN! I have no doubt people will vote for her on Tuesday, but it is clear there is a major enthusism gap. If she is the nominee in November, this should be very concerning.
Hey Hillary:
STOP FUCKING TALKING WHEN YOUR TIME IS UP! Aparently you didn't learn to take turns in kindergarten.
Predict the Hillary Lie in Tonight's Debate
1. Bernie's plan to give all Americans health care is so expensive it will hurt seniors.
Question submitted by Chasstev365
Issuing a General Apology to All DU Users
I guess I am slow on the uptake. I have been responding to post without paying attention to the group names. I managed to get blocked from both a Sanders and Clinton groups yesterday! LOL! Go ahead: I'm prepared to be told I'm an idiot because I've noticed that's how many DU User feel good about themselves.
However, this whole notion of groups that are "exclusive" remind me of Junior High. "I don't like what you said, so we have the power to ban you from our group." If you're that insecure about your candidate (both sides), it's really sad! I think I will stick to non-group posts from here on out.
My first attempt at this post was rejected in General Discussions Primaries:
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Agschmid (a host of the General Discussion: Primaries forum). If you believe this was done in error, please contact Agschmid to appeal.
Thanks Agschmid: you just illustrated my point beautifully!
Issuing a General Apology to DU Members
I guess I am slow on the uptake. I have been responding to post without paying attentipn to rhe group names. I managed to get blocked from both a Sanders and Clinton groups yesterday! LOL! Go ahead: I'm prepared to be told I'm an idiot!
However, this whole notion of groups that are "exclusive" remind me of Junior High. "I don't like what you said, so we're banning you from our group." If you're that insecure about your candidate (both sides), it's really sad. I think I will stick to non-group posts from here on out.
The Blocking is Out if Control!
I was just blocked from a BERNIE Group and I'm a BERNIE SUPPORTER! I said LMAO because someone was claiming victory with 1.3 % in. People really need to lighten up.
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Member since: Sat Jul 12, 2014, 10:57 AMNumber of posts: 5,191