Chasstev365's JournalAn Honest Question about November 2016
Which is more important to you: nominating the first female nominee or electing a Democrat in the November General Election?
Campaign Commercial Idea
I wish I could edit media for the following concept. You have a picture of Hillary in Red stating a position. Next you have picture of Hillary in Gold changing that position. Finally, you have a third picture of Hillary in Green changing her view yet again. All the while Boy George's song Kama Kama Camelion is playing. "Red, Gold, and Green."
Five Swipes to get on the Subway?
I guess Hillary is a real "woman of the people", unlike Bernie Sanders. NOT! So much for "tokengate."
This token thing is a Fricken Joke!
If Hillary said something about "using a video tape", do you think the talking heads would be saying'"No one has used videos in 15 years and her not knowing to say DVD clearly shows how out of touch she is."
REALLY? That's the best you got?
Hillary Supporters: Is Your Candidate Infallible?
Seriously; reading hundreds of posts on DU, I have yet to see a SINGLE instance of a Hillary supporter admitting she has ever done anything wrong, not only during this campaign, but in her entire career. Isn't that a bit childish?
Hillary Needs to Apologize to the Young Woman Who Dared to Ask Her A Question Yesterday
The woman simply asked a question and was not overtly confrontational or provocative. Why would anyone think it was OK for Hillary to so angrily speak to a citizen in that manner? If a teacher responded to your kid in that way, would it be OK with you?
Whether you are for Hillary or not, She cannot afford to react like this every time she is annoyed by people or she will lose in November!
This is NOT just a Sanders v. Clinton question
If the Clintons know there is something to the "pay to play" rumors in Hillary's email that will come out, do you think Hillary's campaign is an incredibly selfish act that puts themselves before the Democratic party?
This is NOT just another Sanders v. Clinton question
If the Clintons know there is something to the "pay to play" rumors in Hillary's email that will come out, do you think Hillary's campaign is an incredibly selfish act that puts themselves before the Democratic party?
Let's Change the Name of DU to Hillary Supporters No So Underground
Any comment about Hillary that is not completely positive, gets hidden by a jury and I'm sick of it! So many here can dish it out, but can't it and they need to grow up!
I'm now convinced!
Chachi" Endorses Donald J. Trump
The Fonzs Nephew Chachi Endorses Donald Trump
Scott Baio, he of Happy Days and Charles in Charge, tonight became the latest celebrity to endorse a presidential candidateand that candidate is Donald Trump.
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Member since: Sat Jul 12, 2014, 10:57 AMNumber of posts: 5,191