Chasstev365's JournalI Was There When it Really Began to Take Off
Being in college from 1983 - 1987, I witnessed my peers decide that making money was the only thing that mattered and by embracing Reagan Conservatism, it was OK and acceptable to be completely selfish.
The scary thing is that this is a mild attitude compared to the Trump supporters of today, who not only are selfish, but have decided it's OK to be openly racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic.
We got here due to St. Ronnie!
Going Crazy Here
This Russian Hacking scandal and Trump's denial and subsequent praise of Putin should have people in the streets, but no one seemingly cares!
If this was a Democrat, House of Representatives would already be preparing impeachment charges.
I know corporate "news" is not giving this the attention it warrents, but my God: have Americans become that stupid?
The message Democrats must repeat over and over on the Russian Hacking Scandal:
"Republicans put party over American National Security." Scream it on social media, on network/cable news, and in communications with constituents.
And to Rep Franks of AZ: A special new year's FUCK YOU!
The real reason the GOP is hell bent on repealing Obamacare
It's sucessful!
They can't let President Obama get credit for anything and they absolutely cannot show that a program developed by the government works.
Screw the working poor and their health; we must prevail
Any Rand is running the Republican Party!
A Simple Soundbite Idea for the Democrats to Use Constantly Against the GOP in 2017
"Americans Need to Work Harder for Less Money: the Uber Rich are Suffering, You Know!"
Maybe then the Trump supporters and the dumbass haters of "big government will see that they got played in the geatest con job in US history!
The difference between Democrats and Republicans is this:
When the GOP goes bold, Dems think small
When Republicans bully, Democrats cower in fear
When the GOP stays on message; Dems try to nuance
When Dems say something Republicans don't like, Democrats are quick to apologize
When Mitch McConnell obstructs, Senate Dems try to compromise and accommodate
A Netanyahu Question
Excluding ultra right wing LaCud Party supporters, do the Israelis have any clue as to how much damage Netanyahu is doing to world opinion? Do they care?
SC Republican Rep Chris Corley arrested for domestic abuse
Has Fox "accidentally" identified Corley as s Democrat yet? $10.00 says the will!
We Love You President Obama, but
Why did you praise Mitch McConnell's leadership skills? I realize you might not be able to blatantly call him out for being the racist, treasonous, obstructionist, corporate whore that he is, but WTF was that?
Benjamin Netanyahu is Mad
Prehaps if he hadn't activity worked with Congressional Republicans to undermine President Obama at ever turn, he would not be increasingly isolated. His attitude towards President Obama and America has been disgraceful and unworthy of a close ally.
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Member since: Sat Jul 12, 2014, 10:57 AMNumber of posts: 5,191