harumph's JournalHow a Chinese Communist Party promoter tied to Cindy Yang joined the Trump campaign
Source: The Miami Herald
Lou is a United States-based promoter for the Chinese Communist Party and former writer for Chinese media, a job he got after graduating from Columbia Graduate School of Journalism in 1994.
He is also an avid Trump supporter.
Last year, the Chinese-born American citizen took his support to a new level. Lou signed a contract with the Republican National Committee to become an official fundraiser for President Donald Trumps reelection campaign at the same time Trump was launching a bellicose trade war against Lous homeland. Trump recently vowed that communisms days are numbered, excoriating any Democrat who dared espouse any hint of sympathy toward socialism.
Out of this marriage of supply and demand emerged a tacitly Chinese state-endorsed gray market selling tickets to Trump-related events to Chinese business people. Its where Lous life overlapped with that of Li Cindy Yang founder of a chain of South Florida Asian day spas, whose latest start-up involved selling presidential access over Chinese-language social media.
Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/how-a-chinese-communist-party-promoter-tied-to-cindy-yang-joined-the-trump-campaign/ar-BBWfpnh
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