PatrickforB's JournalCNNS Ana Navarro Goes Ballistic Over Trump Tweet: Lunatic Man Baby Must Stop
Anna Navarro is a CNN Republican strategist. She really gets DOWN on the 'man baby' in the white house on this one.
Since I don't know how to put in a video URL from Huffing post, here's the link - video well worth watching for some laughs.
Bannon: Trumps strategy is let the warfighters fight the war
Source: The Hill via CNN
Trump has increasingly empowered the Pentagon and military leaders to make tactical military decisions, breaking from the precedent of White House oversight carried out by both Republican and Democratic administrations in the past, CNN reported.
The move, administration officials say, is designed to reverse Obama administration and, to a lesser extent, George W. Bush administration practices that weigh down military campaigns and hamper commanders' abilities to make tactical decisions.
But that transfer of power from the White House to the Pentagon has also raised questions about whether Trump will be held to the same level of accountability as the military officials he has empowered.
"It's really important for the President to take responsibility for outcome and have a conversation with the American people that prepares people for both what we're trying to do and the sacrifices that will be required to do it," Kori Schake, George W. Bush's former National Security Council director for defense strategy, told CNN.
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This is the REAL Bannon agenda. He wants that apocalyptic war between Christianity and Islam to prove which is stronger. He says it's 'existential,' you know.
So...Russia, the new GOP healthcare monstrosity, gutting the EPA, allowing financial regulators to ignore the Volcker Rule and now this.
What, do you think, our world will look like by November 2018???
But, hey, why do we HAVE nuclear bombs if we're not gonna USE them???
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