PatrickforB's JournalGOP Senator Makes Distasteful Remark About His War-Hero Opponent’s Ancestry
So here's the quote from the HuffPo article:
Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk made an ill-advised jab about the birthplace and ancestry of his Democratic opponent, Rep. Tammy Duckworth, during a debate on Thursday. Duckworth, who is challenging Kirk for his seat, had just finished talking about her military service and that of her ancestors, dating back to the Revolutionary War.
I forgot that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington, Kirk said in the debate at the University of Illinois Springfield. It was an odd comment from a senator who has a reputation for making odd comments, but particularly impolitic given his opponents backstory. Duckworth was born in Thailand to an U.S. Marine father and a Thai mother of Chinese descent.
Makes me feel like giving some money to Duckworth's campaign.
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman’s Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault
"I think that's a stretch."
That's's Jeff Sessions, that paragon of Republican manhood!
I'm really having a hard time stopping laughing here.
Just a comment from the peanut gallery...
Clinton is doing REALLY GOOD on this debate. Really good.
Will this new Trump outrage go 'full Cosby?'
CNN anchor relays hauntingly familiar story of Donald Trump making vulgar advances. Here's a couple of fun links:
Okay, that's enough. I've been appalled by Trump since he slithered out of his man-cave to engage in the GOP primaries. You know what bugs me the most? The guy is CLEARLY not qualified to be president at all, but people keep supporting him. Get out a vote folks - FOR CLINTON - because if this cretin gets anywhere near the White House we'll all be livin' that dystopian dream.
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