cornball 24
cornball 24's JournalAnd the Clown Show Begins...Again!! Drumpf takes the stage to promote his latest very, very
amazing sleazy new hotel. He is gonna make a HUUUUUGE announcement about Birtherism. Drumpf, I don't give a flying hoot what you think about my President's place of birth. You make me want to puke!!
Chris Matthews is sounding more like tRUMP! Sheesh!
When Trunket comes out of his "Intellegence Briefing", will he be telling people
that he knew everything plus months ago and that he was briefing the briefers because, folks, he was the smartest guy in the room and the smartest guy in the world, believe me. He is so very, very smart that MENSA asked him to withdraw his membership because they didn't have a category to accommodate his amazing level of intelligence. Everybody knows how smart he is. People are always telling him how very, very smart he is...blah, blah blah!
Can anyone help me on this. Did Trump actually end his disgusting 2nd amendment statement
with "that would be a horrible day, folks"? If so where can I find testament to that and why is it not being reported via MSM? Thank you for your help.
OKAY...HERE IT IS...TRUMPLESTILTSKIN! In the 1812 version of the Brothers Grimm story,
the nasty imp did not get what he wanted and "he ran away angrily and never came back!". Oh how I pray the Brothers Grimm were spot on!!!!
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