PumpkinAle's JournalCarly Fiorina accused of 'ambushing' children for anti-abortion rally
Party of schoolchildren visiting Iowa botanical garden become part of backdrop for Republican presidential candidates speech on abortion
The problem, one parent said, was that the childrens parents had not given Fiorina permission to have their children sit with her in front of a huge banner bearing the image of an unborn foetus while she talked about harvesting organs from aborted babies.
The kids went there to see the plants, said Chris Beck, the father of four-year-old Chatham, one of the children Fiorina appeared with. She ambushed my sons field trip.
Truly sickening, disturbing and disgusting.
(Didn't see this posted, but if so, please delete.)
Missouri supreme court rules to dismiss death row inmate's murder convictions
Source: The Guardian
Missouri supreme court rules to dismiss death row inmate's murder convictions
Reggie Clemons will be removed from death row, as judges ruled evidence was suppressed in 1991 case though state must now decide whether to retry him
This has made my day.
(Didn't see when I searched for article on DU, but if duplicate please delete - I'm off to work).
Happy TG everyone!
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/25/missouri-death-row-reggie-clemons-convictions-dismissed
The Inhumanity of US drug prices compared to other countries
Former hedge funder Martin Shkreli who hiked the price of an AIDS pill by 5500 percent overnight is only the latest example of price gouging in the pharmaceutical industry. US drug prices have been skyrocketing across the country for years. As the following chart illustrates, drug prices in the US are up to 10 times higher than in numerous other developed countries. Data comes from the International Federation of Health Plans (IFHP) 2013 Comparative Price Report.
Full article at: http://usuncut.com/news/us-drug-prices-in-the-us-are-literally-insane-when-compared-to-other-nations/
US special forces kill Isis commander and capture wife in Syria raid
Source: The Guardian
White House says Abu Sayyaf killed and wife Umm Sayyaf captured
Defense secretary Carter calls operation a significant blow to Isis
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/16/us-special-forces-kill-isis-commander-wife-syria
Hillary: a Disaster in the Making
Hillary: a Disaster in the Making by ROBERT FANTINA
One longs for a candidate for president of the United States possessing those rare traits of statesmanship, honesty and integrity. One looks back in vain to see such an example, and the near and far horizons offer no such hope, either.
We will take no time looking at the GOP (Generally Opposed to Progress) candidates, either announced or still keeping everyone on the edge of their seats as they decide whether or not to toss their hat into the soon-to-be-crowded ring. Most, including Florida Governor and brother of one of the nations worst presidents ever, Jeb Bush, and New Jersey Governor, the obnoxious blowhard Chris Christie, have already decided, but enjoy the spectacle of endless conjecture. So they wait.
But on the Democratic side, no less a worthy than Hillary Rodham Clinton, lawyer, former First Lady, former senator, former Secretary of State, has slow-balled her tattered hat into an otherwise empty ring. Her handlers claim, disingenuously, that she expects competition, and a hard-fought primary campaign. Who, one wants to know, is going to take her on? She has a war chest rumored to hold $2.5 billion, more than twice what Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Barack Obama each spent on their campaigns in 2012; the total is more than their campaign expenditures combined. The only other potential candidate with anything close to her name recognition is Vice President Joe Biden, and it will be impossible for him to generate the puzzling enthusiasm that seems to follow Mrs. Clinton. And there does not appear to be anyone waiting in the wings to grab the spotlight from her, as Mr. Obama did in 2008.
So, while her various aides struggle to avoid any appearance of invincibility, let us all make the assumption that Mrs. Clinton will be the nominee, and work from there. What possible objections can anyone from the moderate to liberal political philosophy spectrum have to her nomination? Well, this writer asks: how much time do you have?
The GOP: A tragedy in 52 acts
Excellent article -
By Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post
Posted March 10, 2015, at 7:45 a.m.
Im getting that deja vu feeling as House Republicans these past several days have failed to alter the publics perception that theyre incapable of governing.
This week marked Episode 2, Season 2 in the series Homeland Security Face-Off. Subtitle: How Republicans Forfeit the White House in 2016.
Notwithstanding Tuesday afternoons vote, which funded the Department of Homeland Security through the end of the fiscal year, last weeks high-stakes game of chicken and this weeks near repeat provides a lesson for future skirmishes.
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