Shemp Howard
Shemp Howard's JournalBernie: Heads up!!!
I'm watching the debate tonight, and at about 9:45 Eastern time, Anderson Cooper asked Hillary about some fossil fuel executive who held a fund-raiser for her. Cooper was trying to make this point: How can you rein in an industry while taking money from them?
That was a tough, and very important, question. Hillary answered by saying that while she and Bernie have their differences, either would be much better than a Republican.
Not only did she ignore the question, but, by praising Bernie, Hillary made it difficult for Bernie to challenge her non-response.
It was a clever trick, and Bernie fell for it.
MSNBC: Clinton Staffers In Colorado Aren't Telling Sanders Supporters Where To Caucus
I'm not quite sure what's going on here. My best guess is that Clinton people are cold-calling Democrats. If the person called does not favor Hillary, that person would be given no caucus information, even if that information is requested.
This doesn't seem to be in any way illegal. But I suppose some could reasonably say it's unethical. Here's the MSNBC clip.
Here's one reason why Bernie is losing.
I was listening to NPR the other day, and during a news break they reported that both Hillary and Bernie were campaigning in Massachusetts.
That was followed by an audio clip, maybe 20-30 seconds long, of Hillary talking about, among other things, the importance of being civil during the campaign season. Now, I'm sure you're curious about what clip they played from Bernie.
Well, there was no Bernie clip. No balance. No fair play. Just Hillary's remarks.
Is one little NPR news segment all that important? In my opinion, yes it is, because it's part of the pattern.
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