Nac Mac Feegle
Nac Mac Feegle's JournalOn an odd Youtube chain today, found this favorite from long ago
I have a lot of problems with the term "Basket of deplorables"
A quantity of waste that toxic and large should be contained in a vessel other than a mere "basket".
Something very large, VERY tightly sealed, and immune to corrosion, bursting, etc...
A simple basket isn't going to do the job with this stuff.
We're going to need something made out of Votes, Vigilance, and Commitment.
We must consign these people and their ideologies the figurative dustbin of history they so richly deserve.
We must make that known to all with the utmost emphasis.
And we must guard against its resurgence, whatever it takes. This is IMPORTANT.
Freedom isn't free. Its benefits carry with them responsibilities.
That is something all too many have forgotten. To use a quote of a Libertarian favorite author, Robert A Heinlein, against themselves; "TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Lunch."
On November 9th, the work starts to get hard. We have to do it, to be sure it's done right.
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Name: Rob AnybodyGender: Do not display
Hometown: Phoenix
Home country: U.S.
Member since: Sun May 19, 2013, 07:24 PM
Number of posts: 979