erronis's JournalArticles Prove Chinese Surgeons Procure Organs Before Brain Death : Medscape
Searching for documentation that vital organs are being harvested from nonconsenting executed prisoners, a practice that the China Tribunal confirmed "beyond any reasonable doubt" in 2020, Jacob Lavee, MD, an Israeli heart transplant surgeon, and Matthew Roberston, a PhD student at Australian National University, uncovered something even more shocking: that vital organs are being explanted from patients who are still alive.
"We have shown for the first time that the transplant surgeons are the executioners that the mode of execution is organ procurement. These are self-admissions of executing the patient," Lavee told Medscape Medical News. "Up until now, there has been what we call circumstantial evidence of this, but our paper is what you'd call the smoking gun because it's in the words of the physicians themselves that they are doing it. In the words of these surgeons, intubation was done only after the beginning of surgery, which means the patients were breathing spontaneously up until the moment the operation started meaning they were not brain dead."
A New History of World War II - The Atlantic
This is an incredibly good read describing the basis for WW-II, before and after, as a result of empires and colonialism.
Would that it were so simple. The Allies inclusion of the Soviet Uniona dictatorship as absolute as any dictatorship in the world, Franklin D. Roosevelt once called itmuddied the waters. But the other chief Allies werent exactly liberal democracies, either. Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United States, and (depending on how you view Tibet and Mongolia) China were all empires. Together, they held, by my count, more than 600 million peoplemore than a quarter of the worldin colonial bondage.
This fact wasnt incidental; empire was central to the causes and course of the war. Yet the colonial dimensions of World War II arent usually stressed. The most popular books and films present it as Churchill did, as a dramatic confrontation between liberty-loving nations and merciless tyrants. In the United States, its remembered still as the good war, the vanquishing of evil by the Greatest Generation.
The 19th century had seen a veritable steeplechase for colonial acquisitions, as Italys foreign ministry described it. Britain won that race, with other countries that would eventually join the Allies taking secondary prizes. The Axis powers, late out of the gate, got the leftovers. Worse, the winners locked the losers out, rebuffing Japans attempts to join the great powers club and stripping Germany of its meager overseas holdings after World War I. Going into the 1930s, the Allies held 15 times more colonial acreage than the Axis states did.
Japan, Germany, and Italy were rising economies without large empires. Was that a problem? Today, it wouldnt be; 21st-century countries dont require colonies to prosper. But different rules applied in the first half of the 20th century. Then, industrial powers depended on raw materials from far-off lands. And without colonies, they had every reason to worry about ready availability. Hitler never forgot the World War I blockade that largely cut Germany off from such materials as rubber and nitrates and caused widespread hunger. The global Depression, which shrunk international trade by two-thirds from 1929 to 1932, threatened a new form of blockade.
Disbelief in human evolution linked to greater prejudice and racism -, across the globein 19 Eastern European countries, 25 Muslim countries and in Israellow belief in evolution was linked to higher biases within a person's group, prejudicial attitudes toward people in different groups and less support for conflict resolution.
I'm starting to think that the first question I should ask when I meet someone is "Do you believe in evolution?". That way I'd know whether or not to bother having any further conversation with them.
This study reinforces many previous ones that equate a conservative brain with one that doesn't like new things - especially those that upset the status quo.
NPR: Russia threatens to fine Wikipedia if it doesn't remove some details about the war that they think this will work. The Streisand Effect.
Guessing it is this page based on the Talk contents:
Although this one is very good also:
Many of these pages are also being archived in various external stores such as which will capture the inanity of these attempts to stifle knowledge.
Digby: Bring on the immigrants if we reformed our immigration system to actually let them
So much good information in this post.
Will make the RWNJ's blood boil, I'm sure.
Baker McKenzie, a go-to firm for Kremlin-linked companies, now says it's leaving Russia
Source: ICIJ
Americas largest law firm advised sanctioned Russian companies, including a military weapons maker, banks and an energy giant, a Pandora Papers investigation revealed. In the ruins of the former Soviet Union, legal giant Baker McKenzie found lucrative work for Russias largest state-controlled companies. From energy titan Gazprom to banking behemoth VTB to Rostec, maker of Kalashnikov rifles and fighter jets, Baker McKenzie served President Vladimir Putins business interests around the globe.
Baker McKenzie will no longer have a presence in Russia. The offices and the people will transfer to an independent firm, spokesman John McGuinness said in an email to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists today. We are exiting relationships with all sanctioned Russian companies, and indeed will not act for any individuals or entities that are controlled by, or directly linked to, the Russian state and/or current regime, whether that work is in Russia or elsewhere in the world.
As part of the Pandora Papers investigation, ICIJ and its media papers revealed in October that Baker McKenzie had represented at least six sanctioned companies controlled by the Russian government.
ICIJs investigation found that the Chicago-based law firm played a key role in creating the offshore economy, shaping financial laws, helping clients link up with offshore services providers and working with notorious fraudsters and autocratic regimes like Putins, as well as major corporations.
With 4,700 lawyers in 46 countries and annual revenue of $3.1 billion, Baker McKenzie is among those prestigious international law firms rethinking relations with the Kremlin in light of Russias invasion of Ukraine and the barrage of sanctions imposed by the United States and other Western governments.
Read more:
We can't trust firms like these (law, financial, weapons dealers) to actually do something for the people.
They'll always look for ways to make money - off the people with some of it going to their clients.
Bravo, ICIJ!
HCR: The fall of fascism in Italy in 1944 and parallels with Putin/russian agression in 2022 told the American people that Rome had fallen to American and Allied troops the previous day. He used the talk not only to announce this important milestone in the deadly war, but also to remind Americans they were engaged in a war between democracy and fascism. And while fascists insisted their ideology made countries more efficient and able to serve their people, the Allies victory in Rome illustrated that the ideology of fascism, which maintained that a few men should rule over the majority of the population, was hollow.
Rome was the seat of fascism, FDR told his listeners, and under that government, the Italian people were enslaved. He explained: In Italy the people had lived so long under the corrupt rule of Mussolini that, in spite of the tinsel at the topyou have seen the pictures of himtheir economic condition had grown steadily worse. Our troops have found starvation, malnutrition, disease, a deteriorating education and lowered public healthall by-products of the Fascist misrule.
Hungarys Viktor Orbán has been open about his determination to replace western-style democracy with what he has, on different occasions, called illiberal democracy, or Christian democracy, ending the immigration that he believes undermines Hungarian culture and rejecting adaptable family models with the Christian family model.
Putin is trying to prop up his power by insisting his people believe lies: on Friday, he signed a law making it a crime for media to produce any coverage the government says is false information about the invasion. He is now pushing the false claim that the U.S. is developing biological weapons in Ukraine, and has requested a meeting of the U.N. Security Council tomorrow to discuss this issue. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby called the story classic Russian propaganda.
Enough quoting. This is a great column and the comments are chock full of excellent background information.
"The Horror" Graphic: If you don't recognise these tactics, then you haven't been paying attention. Follow the Russia-Ukraine Monitor Map reported incidents with details.
How to use the interactive map:
Here, Benjamin Strick of the CIR team details the map and how it can be used.
Sean Hannity Informs January 6th Panel that Swearing to Tell the Truth : Jeez - borowitz!
"Sean Hannity Informs January 6th Panel that Swearing to Tell the Truth Would Violate His Contract with Fox"
For everyone that can't stand to read articles without a bit of personal research: THIS IS SARCASM.
And yet you'll gladly accept postings with titles such as "Look at this cute cat". Or "The best tweet ever in the last 5 minutes!"
In a written statement, Hannity said that taking an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth would be a betrayal of the solemn vow I made to Fox.
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