dewsgirl's JournalStephen Miller on SOTU, I hope Jake tears him apart.
Those that have read Fire and Fury, weird question
Does Just for Men work that way? I'snt it only 5 minutes? 🤔 Sometimes I think the spray tan gets up there depending on the hue and his shade of orange for the day.
I hope this is in the correct place, last night I was hacked on twitter.
I spent two hours going in a circle of reset password, email, change password and then the screen changes to a phone number I no longer have, I have done this from 4 different devices, I contacted twitter support, when I hit submit, it would freeze. Then one of my folllowers sent message, luckily was in my email at the time. They said I unfollwed them and they were seeing if I did it on purpose, I did not. I had over 1,000 followers some of them for a couple years.
This morning I gave up and started new account if anyone here followed me my name was Kristin@civicsnerd1, my new name is civicsnerd1@dewsgirlkristin.
If anyone has any advice on what to do about hacked twitter accounts, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm sorry this is so long, thank you.
Profile Information
Name: KristinGender: Female
Hometown: Vero Beach Florida
Home country: US
Member since: Wed Nov 7, 2012, 11:42 AM
Number of posts: 14,964