dewsgirl's JournalI got Everything Trump Touches Dies by Rick Wilson for
Christmas. Oh no; tell me it's fake news that there is Paul Ryan fan fiction
Does anyone have an idea about what time Cohen sentencing will be?
I know it's supposed to be this morning, I have to run to store, dont want to miss it. TY
Does anyone know what time the turkey pardon will be?
Im sorry if I posted this in the wrong area. Thank you.
Does anyone know if Rachel will be there tonight?
I like Joy Reid very much. But especially when it's been a big news day, I really miss Rachel when she has the night off.
Thank you.
Is someone giving him direction through an earpiece perhaps?
He is all over the place.
Maddow:Mueller has personal letter from Trump to Putin
Her source is Washington Post.😨
How many interviews has this Nunberg guy done today?
Dude is in a full blown meltdown.
CNN 4 officers did not go in.
Rachel Maddow A block tonight
If you missed tonight's A block, it will seriously make you feel better, about what we are dealing with here. She was on fire tonight, the last couple minutes were quite inspirational.
I'm attempting to link the live stream from YouTube, rewind 49 minutes, to see the A block. I'm sorry, I'm just learning how to post certain items, I definitely have no idea how to embed YouTube videos.
Rachel Maddow Live Stream
Is it just me or did we hear whispers of this story
last year, not the details just the fact National Enquirer buried an affair for him? I think the pay off is new.
Our daily dose of chaos is enough to make us crazy.
I swear I've heard this story before, it's making me feel even more nuts.
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Name: KristinGender: Female
Hometown: Vero Beach Florida
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Member since: Wed Nov 7, 2012, 11:42 AM
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