NCLefty's JournalI did read that, once estranged, women are more likely to come back than men.
I'm not sure if that's because they're more open to emotions/communication or what.
The religion aspect is the most disturbing. You can justify almost anything with it. :/
You might just need to give her some space. Maybe you can keep sending her well wishes on her birthday and the holidays, even if she doesn't respond. She may eventually regret cutting you off.
I don't talk to my Fox-News-loving parents anymore but they created a lot of family disruption (via divorce/re-marrying) when I was a kid so their politics were really just the last straw for me.
See: Joe Scarborough.
Queen gotta twerk it.
Christianity depends on enemies. That's what the devil is, but fighting him gives no gratification.
Hurting other humans (that you decide are enemies) gives you instant gratification.
See: magazines.
Schlapp is a dickbag. n/t
A giant golden toilet that's interactive. Every time you flush, a different head appears in the bowl
and goes down. You can cycle through all the criminals.
Welcome to what 'anyone who bothered to look at his words and history' was screaming about in 2015.
He has refused to apologize for trying to get the Central Park Five killed, five innocent (via DNA) boys. The way he talked about beating up protesters and sucked up to police and military fanatics was right there for us to see, in advance. In short, we fucking knew what he was.
"Melanie's audience was made up of educated, urban, left-wing Americans"
This tweet didnt seek to anger conservative Christians or to provoke Trump supporters. She wasnt even talking to them. Melanies 20,000 followers, painstakingly built, werent from #MAGA America (Russia has other accounts targeting them). Rather, Melanies audience was made up of educated, urban, left-wing Americans harboring a touch of self-righteousness. She wasnt selling her audience a candidate or a position she was selling an emotion. Melanie was selling disgust. The Russians know that, in political warfare, disgust is a more powerful tool than anger. Anger drives people to the polls; disgust drives countries apart.
I think I would have just shaken my head at that. I'm long past disgusted with conservative christians. :p
But what stuck out to me is that it sounds like that's where Russia wants me. :/
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