NCLefty's JournalIf he believes even a fraction of the shit he says-he has the ability to imagine these are cheers :p
"Do you hear it, Melania?? They love us both because of MEEeeeee!"
I always knew they sucked, but I did not know how badly until Trump.
Rampant and open corruption... judiciary stacked by Trump+McConnell... I do not feel so hopeful about my country anymore.
But I'm still going to show up and VOTE.
Pelosi on Colbert: "You also have to be prepared to throw a punch... for the children. :)"
"If you want to go into the [political] arena, you have to be prepared to take a punch. But you also have to be prepared to throw a punch... for the children. "
Quote at 3:37:
LOL @ the top 2 replies!
@UROCKlive1: "Is there any evidence he's told the truth about anything ever?"
@HershelsKid: "He once said he'd like to date his daughter."
!Trump LITERALLY accused Obama of forcing rates to be low so he'd look better and could golf more!
He's doing this now because he clearly thinks this is how to corrupt the economy for political gain. And Trumpy wants in on dat! I'm sure it went like this with the Fed Chair:
"Obama had his people do this for him and you better do it for me too because he's a loser and I'm tough. Also strong. I also have good genes. And there's NO PROBLEM down there! Believe me. Believe me."
We have a very false economy," he repeated.
"So far, I think she's done a political job," he said about Fed chair Janet Yellen.
"At some point the rates are going to have to change," Trump added. "The only thing that is strong is the artificial stock market."
After seeing Republicans run away from "fiscal responsibility" so hard, I can absolutely believe
they would turn on Jesus in a heartbeat. :p
I think Trump's anti-immigrant thing comes largely down to his limo being stuck behind an immigrant-
-driven taxi-cab in NYC a few too many times.
Jill Wine-Banks is awesome. It's been neat seeing people involved with Watergate react to Trump.
And she always wears a brooch on TV that is themed for whatever is going on at the time. She usually posts the meaning of each one on Twitter.
I'm a middle-aged guy who's now into old-lady brooches. Thanks, Jill! :p
Because he hated Mexicans and Muslims.
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