NCLefty's JournalWell he's a toothy fucker, ain't he?
*phony Australian accent off*
I heard one or more of Rudy's kids wasn't talking to him at one point, maybe over some of the divorce shenanigans, but it seems that's no longer the case.
We just need ONE MORE blockbuster scandal where there's essentially a smoking gun.
+1 Masha!
"Joe" wouldn't shut the fuck up about Hillary's emails during 2015-2016.
Not until Trump attacked Mika's (alleged) face lift... then suddenly Joe was "on board." >.>
BoJo is a NoGo on the Info.
Why is "RT America" (Russia Today) running commercials targeting PoC on CNN/MSNBC?
I couldn't find a link to the exact commercial but it's been running for at least a week. It's very slick and features a guy rapping about injustice with lots of inner city and graffiti graphics. It's seems to be targeting disaffected PoC, which is one specific way Russia meddled in the 2016 election. RT has since been forced to register as a "foreign agent" but it seems pretty bold for them to be so openly using our airwaves for their propaganda right before 2020. I can't think of any reasons other than nefarious ones for this push.
Be aware.
"When the Tweetys of our planet are outraged that" --Wait, what Tweetys?
Chris Matthews?
See: "Roaches for better roach motels"
Don't forget the 92 million eligible voters that didn't turn out-They outnumbered Trump vote by 30m.
Their disinterest is also wrecking our democracy. We really needed them to stop this career criminal from ascending to the U.S. presidency... and they weren't there.
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