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marym625's Journal
marym625's Journal
July 1, 2015

Catholic Vote has put out an anti marriage video

Just one day before the historic Supreme Court decision that makes marriage legal for same set couples, Catholic Vote put out this heart wrenching video. It's about the unbelievable horror of having to deal with the bigotry against Catholics that stand up for their beliefs. A discrimination in law that is just too much to bear. They've stolen the words of those that are actually oppressed, frightened, have laws that discriminate against them and are sometimes beaten and even killed for just being who they are, and made this video. And why not steal the words of those that have actually suffered? After all, these Catholics have to, uhm, to put up with equality in law for a minority group? No, LGBT people can still be fired for who they are so that's not it. Maybe they aren't allowed to go to their churches to worship? I give up, but it's horrible what they suffer.

Not Alone

Luckily, there's an "alternate version"

June 29, 2015

It's Official -- Bernie Sanders Has Overtaken Hillary Clinton In the Hearts and Minds of Democrats

By H. A. Goodman June 25, 2015

According to PBS, Bernie Sanders is "gaining against Clinton in early polls." Salon's Bill Curry believes "Hillary Clinton is going lose," primarily because millions of voters longing for a truly progressive candidate will nominate Sanders. POLITICO explained recently that Early-state polls hint at a Bernie Sanders surge, a headline that was unthinkable only several months earlier. Yahoo's Meredith Shiner calls Sanders a "progressive social media star and pragmatic legislator" and states that "Sanders also has a much more substantial legislative history" than any GOP challenger. In Iowa, 1,100 people packed a gym to hear Bernie Sanders speak in May.

In contrast, Team Hillary had an intimate business roundtable discussion with five "ordinary" Iowans. The only problem was that according to The Washington Post, "All five were selected to attend her events." In fact, Clinton's "staged roundtables" were attended by a total of 13 Iowans, picked by either the campaign or the host.

Therefore, a paradigm shift has taken place. Many Iowans drove 50 miles to hear Sanders speak in Des Moines, primarily because Bernie Sanders has surpassed Clinton as the ideal choice for Democratic nominee. Regarding electability, Sanders has also surpassed Clinton as the realistic choice for Democratic nominee in the minds of many voters, because as one Salon piece illustrates, Hillary "just doesn't get it."

When it comes to everything from immigration to climate change and economic issues (most Americans side with Democrats, according to Pew research and other data) some writers believe that Democrats "can nominate a ham sandwich and win the presidency." Although once thought of as an impossibility, a closer look at the electoral map shows why Bernie Sanders could realistically defeat any GOP challenger. If voters around the country still care about middle class economics, the federal budget, trade and other hot button issues in 2016, Sanders has a legitimate chance to win. Also, since Sanders isn't tied to Obama fatigue like Hillary Clinton, it's quite possible the Vermont Senator re-energizes an America that just recently decided the Confederate flag doesn't represent its value system.

While Hillary voted for Iraq, Sanders knows how the repercussions of this decision continue to affect veterans and their families. As for jobs, the federal budget, healthcare, energy, and the environment, Sanders has far more experience than Clinton, Bush, or any other candidate in 2016.

Finally, perhaps the biggest reason Sanders is surging is because he's a genuine person with real beliefs, while others become chameleons when votes and public image are at stake. It's important to note that Hillary Clinton just recently "evolved" on gay marriage and in 2004, Clinton's speech (forward to 0:22 on the Slate video or read the transcript of her passionate defense of marriage between only a man and woman) highlighted her views on the "sacred bond" of marriage:

Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY): "I believe marriage is...a sacred bond between a man and a woman....a fundamental bedrock principle that it exists between a man and woman, going back into the midst of history, as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization. And that it's primary principle role during those milennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults."

In terms of identity, Hillary Clinton might be a liberal according to fivethirtyeight.com, yet their analysis gives her a free pass on war, gay marriage, and other issues liberals had championed before they were popular. Adhering to polls is fine, but the words "poll driven," not "progressive," come to mind for someone with this type of persona. If one's views on war and foreign policy are enough for The New York Times to publish an article titled Are neocons getting ready to ally with Hillary Clinton?, then Bernie Sanders becomes an even better candidate for people opposed to never-ending American counterinsurgency wars. Clinton might say she was duped by faulty intelligence, but Bernie Sanders had enough intelligence and wisdom to vote against the Iraq war back in 2003.

More at link

Oh yeah
June 29, 2015

Not sure where to put this. Did anyone attend Jackpine Radical's service?

I didn't have a car so was unable to get there from Chicago. I'm wondering if anyone was able to attend.

June 28, 2015

Tammy Duckworth WALKING in Chicago Pride Parade today!




If you are going to the parade and will be near the Broadway /Montrose corner, let me know!

June 28, 2015


[font color="navy" size="6"]HAPPY[/font] [font color="red" size="6"]P[/font][font color="orange" size="6"]R[/font][font color="yellow" size="6"]I[/font][font color="green" size="6"]D[/font][font color="blue" size="6"]E[/font][font color="purple" size="6"]![/font]

Cross post from GD


June 28, 2015

Best picture at a Pride Parade - Christians apologize

2013 taken from the Equality Illinois float.

Then last year there were approximately 30 different churches in the parade supporting us.

The times, they are a changing!

[font color="navy" size="6"]HAPPY[/font] [font color="red" size="6"]P[/font][font color="orange" size="6"]R[/font][font color="yellow" size="6"]I[/font][font color="green" size="6"]D[/font][font color="blue" size="6"]E[/font][font color="purple" size="6"]![/font]

Edit: here's the website for the "I'm sorry" campaign

I'm Sorry

June 27, 2015

So, how many other DUers are hung over this morning after a night of celebrating?

I went out about 11pm. Just about an hour later than normal for the gay community

We, unlike the straight community, kiss and hug each other as a regular greeting. Sometimes I forget myself and give a coworker or friend a hug and/or kiss. They're used to it now.

But last night was just so filled with love. Love everywhere! Tears, cheers, singing, dancing, etc. Ended up at my favorite, lucky bar, The Closest. The oldest lesbian bar in Chicago. Though just like so many places, it's usually filled with men. (Those gay guys just love to take over the bars )

After some shots of Patron and a tequila sunrise or two last night, I'm surprised I am even awake.

How many of you celebrated?

June 27, 2015

A Judge in Dallas County, Texas stayed at the Courthouse all day to perform marriages

Judge Dennise Garcia sent the tweet below out yesterday morning after THE decision


Then, the first marriage she performed, the first same sex wedding in Dallas County, Texas, was between two members of her church, Jack Evans, 85, and George Harris, 82, together for 54 years.

Two beautiful, brave souls, finally united, legally, in marriage.

54 years together. Imagine how much they faced, the bigotry, the hate, the adversity in 1961 Dallas County, Texas.

After waiving the 72 hour waiting period,

Dallas County issued 170 marriage licenses to same-sex couples Friday following a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on equality that allows same-sex couples in all states to get married.

Meanwhile, gay couples across the state began lining up for marriage licenses within hours of the Supreme Court ruling they had the right to wed. Some counties, including Denton, denied the applications saying they needed guidance from their district attorney or the attorney ge]neral.

That was good news for Kristy Johnson and Ingrid Snelling, a lesbian couple who, after 22 years together, rushed to the county clerk's office after hearing the Supreme Court's ruling.

“I just broke down and bawled when I heard it. There will be more tears. She’s the love of my life. My sun and my moon and my best friend. We’ve traveled together for 22 years," said Johnson. “And to now be able to take that step and make it official, legally. No more being turned away from hospitals and feeling humiliated when I needed to care for her — which has happened to me. This means a whole lot.”

Much more at link, including video of some of these unions taking place. Such a joyful day. We are alive to witness one of the most beautiful decisions in US history.


Here's an argument to use against the religious zealots that advocate for breaking the law and refusing to marry same sex couples

1 Peter 2:13-17New International Version (NIV)

13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

Just in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little happy and excited about this decision.

June 26, 2015

It's not "gay marriage " It's not even "marriage equality."

As of today, and forevermore, it's simply,

[font color="navy" size="6"]MARRIAGE [/font]

Profile Information

Name: Mary Mathieu
Gender: Female
Hometown: Chicago
Member since: Wed Sep 12, 2012, 08:25 PM
Number of posts: 17,997

About marym625

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