marym625's Journal$11 billion in funds for health clinics, Bernie gets things done
A little Intercept article to remind people what Bernie Sanders has done to improve the lives of millions who still are without healthcare.
GOP Officials Publicly Denounce Bernie Sanders' Obamacare Expansion, Quietly Request Funding
The result has made an indelible mark on American health care, extending the number of people served by clinics from 18 million before the ACA to an expected 28 million next year.
As one would expect, the program was largely met with plaudits from patients and public health experts, but it has also won praise from even the biggest Obamacare critics on Capitol Hill. In letters I obtained through multiple record requests, dozens of Republican lawmakers, including members of the House and Senate leadership, have privately praised the ACA clinic funding, calling health centers a vital provider in both rural and urban communities.
There was no one who played a more important role than Senator Sanders, Hawkins says, remembering Sanderss constant lobbying of other lawmakers to support the funding.
For the article with a video click here
This is a man that cares deeply for our country, for its citizens and the people of the world. He's worked tirelessly to improve our lives and he has succeeded.
He has proven he can work with republicans and accomplish wonderful things. He doesn't pander to the media and he doesn't pat himself on the back.
He backs up his principles with action. He doesn't back away from a fight.
Senator Bernie Sanders is the kind of politician that we wish every politician was like.

By the way, if you are so inclined search, you'll find all kinds of wonderful things said about Sanders in posts prior to this primary by interesting people here. Just saying

Politico. No links, no names but "Clinton won" HAHA
This is so sad it's funny. Not one person on record but they don't want Biden to run. And people are actually using this to "prove" Clinton won.
Bernie Sanders Clearly Won Tuesday's Debate -- On Twitter
Source: Forbes
Bernie Sanders cleaned up on the social media service, rapidly outpacing the other four candidates when it came to adding new followers.
Sanders gained 35,163 new followers during the 150-minute debate. Meanwhile, the other four Democrats gained a total of just 23,219 new followers combined led by Hillary Clinton, who added 13,252 new Twitter followers by herself.
Below, Ive graphed out how each candidates Twitter following grew across Tuesday night. Looking at the graph, you can see how Clinton gained a bit of steam in the last 90 minutes, and OMalley slightly surging in the final hour.
But they arent totally meaningless, either. Twitters a good indicator of enthusiasm for an idea, a celebrity
. or even a politician. Just look at what happened at the second Republican debate. Carly Fiorina saw a huge surge of Twitter followers and her poll numbers reflected a similar jump, as Fiorina rocketed from fringe candidate to second place.
Read more:

William Pitt stated:
Remember that when you watch the debate tonight ... but enjoy watching one of the consummate bullshit artists of our time do her thing. A talent as rare as hers does not come along very often.
Luckily, the country wasn't buying it from the supposed front runner
Edited to add more polls from another DU post

Edited to add MSNBC poll for those who can't tell the difference between MSNBC and Fox news.
At this time, it's still Sanders 83% 10:47pm PDT.
World Parliament, the Dalai Lama and my cousin
Cross post from GD. I'm guessing people in this group are familiar with the Parliament of World's Religions
World Parliament, the Dalai Lama and my cousin
My cousin, Molly, is the Communications Director for The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions. She works closely with some very important and interesting people. They, including Molly, have a deep conviction and passion to make this a better world.
This interfaith organization has done unbelievable work toward peace. Molly has been a huge part of that for the last few years. She works tirelessly, for very little and often to the detriment of personal relationships. There is no time that this is more true than working up to the parliament. Months of nearly round the clock work by her and the small team in Chicago, goes into making it a success.
This year the Dalai Lama was to be a main speaker. He is a master at invoking feelings of solidarity and peace. Very unfortunately, the Dalai Lama became ill once he made it to the US.
This very holy, peace loving and generous man, was admitted to Mayo Clinic. I don't know any details as to why or what was wrong. But whatever it is, or was, he cannot attend the World Parliament.
My cousin sent me a text the other night when she was standing outside the Mayo clinic. She told me how he, The Dalai Lama, had very generously offered to allow them to record him. They could then present the recording at the World Parliament.
Lo and behold, the next text I received was just a picture:
Molly on the left, holding hands with the Dalai Lama.
I couldn't be prouder of Molly. I've known her all her life. She went from being a little one I babysat, to a teenager I tried to help mentor and for whom I would advocate when those inevitable, teenage/parent problems appeared, to being a dear, loving friend. Sometimes it just works out that not being able to pick your relatives is the luckiest thing that could ever happen.
Molly's mother was my first cousin. She, also, was a dear friend. We lost her over nine years ago now. I can almost hear the excitement, joy and pride coming from Molly's mom. She would be doing cartwheels while on the phone with every relative in the world, bragging about her daughter. While I don't believe in God, I do believe in the energy that people put out. And I believe, that energy stays with us. In that aspect, I'm positive that Molly's mother is with her and her love is shining through Molly.
Here's a link to the World Parliament website.
I believe there are still tickets left. I'm hoping to attend to see Jane Goodall
Please eat responsibly and buy humane products
I love meat. I'm not even going to pretend I'll give it up. I believe our bodies need it and I know we are carnivorous. (Yes, I know we're omnivores.) I'm so not going to get into a discussion about about that.
However, there is no reason, other than income, or more accurately, lack of income, which can be devastating on diet, not to purchase meat that came from humanely raised and killed animals.
I have zero to do with this blog. I'm not gaining anything by posting it. But I have found it to be fabulous when looking for the truth in the claims by corporations in their meat. So many claim to be organic and humane when in reality, not so much. Check this for humane products. Certified Humane
There are other organizations that certify humane. I just found this one to be very reliable
This is the end, beautiful friend,
Can you picture what will be, so limitless and free
Desperately in need, of some, stranger's hand
In a, desperate land
I'll start
Great idea for a group. Thank you
I don't really have anything to say here, yet. Just thanks
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Name: Mary MathieuGender: Female
Hometown: Chicago
Member since: Wed Sep 12, 2012, 08:25 PM
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