marym625's JournalA message from Manny: Adios, Dear DUers
Topic: Adios, Dear DUers
So today I was nabbed by the Stark Fist of Removal. It stalked closer and closer over the past few months, and today it got me. A shock, but certainly no surprise given the nature of things.
I am blown away, just blown away by the support that I've received here and on other sites. I am verklempt. Thank you seems like a weak thing to say, but it's all I got.
Goddess knows that I've said many things on DU over the last decade, and I doubt that there's much more to add that's of any interest or use, save for one thing: I love you all. My friends, the Swarm, ... I love you all, even if I don't always like some of the nonsense that you write.
Let's all now go forward together (even if not together on DU), and do what we can to turn our country around, to seize it back from the Republicans, the Third Wayers, and the other deluded individuals who've dug this deep crater we find ourselves in.
Let's win. Humanity and our planet hang in the balance.
"There is nothing I love as much as a good fight."
- FDR (and Manny Goldstein)
Manny being kicked is DU's loss, not Manny's
It's clicks for Manny's posts that have brought some people here. It's nearly everyone of his posts that reach the greatest page and cause people who hadn't heard of DU to click on and join the site. It's not Manny that lost out with his banning, it's DU.
But, he's over at
If you decide to register and you don't receive your verification email, please check your spam folder. If still nothing, just hit the "contact us" on the site and we'll fix it.
This site was initially started with JackpineRadical and me. It's a tribute to him and it's to get Bernie Sanders elected. We launched a little early because of the DNC fiasco but we're stable and enjoying good conversation.
Hope all you Bernie supporters will join us for worry free discussion.
As far as Manny, he's a good man who cares deeply about our country, this world and the people in it. He's funny, intelligent and knowledgeable. I find it amusing that someone who drew so many to this site over the years was kicked for one post. But hey, it's their site. And it's their loss.
Bernie! 2nd largest union in the country, DFA with amazing 87.9% of the votes, 2 million contributio
Yeah, America is FEELING THE BERN!
Suck on that!
#FeelTheBern #Bernie2016
Our own Alison Hartson is testifying in front of California Senate tomorrow
Cross post from the Populist group
Our own Alison Hartson is testifying in front of California Senate tomorrow
Cross post from Populist Reform
Go Alison!
Our own Alison Hartson is testifying in front of California Senate tomorrow
Boy, did I luck out when I met Alison! And I'm thrilled she's joined us here.
Wolf Pac California Director, head of Americans Take Action California, and DUer, Alison Hartson:
It is open to the public, so you can either be there in person, or watch/listen on livestream:
If anyone can tape it please do.
And if anyone is considering getting involved with our current California campaign, you can sign up at
That's the way to do it!
#caFREEact #FeelTheBern #Bernie2016
BREAKING: WFP endorses Bernie Sanders!

We're proud to stand with Senator Sanders. Thousands of WFP members like you overwhelmingly see him as a progressive who understands the problems our country faces. Who understands that it will take a "political revolution" to challenge the power of the big money crowd that puts greed above all other values.
Working Families Party is for Bernie because Bernie is for working families. The rich may not worry much about the cost of college or their hourly wage, but nearly everyone else does. We need a President who knows what he believes, a President who is not afraid to tell the truth about our country.
Today, WFPers are celebrating. Tomorrow, we'll get to work mobilizing the energy of member like you and the talents of WFP staff to grow the #WFP4Bernie revolution!
It's a big challenge. The WFP has never endorsed on a national level before. But with your help, we can get the job done.
Can you contribute $3 towards organizing WFP supporters for Bernie Sanders? Click here.
In the 17 years since the birth of the Working Families Party, we've never done anything like this. When our leadership decided to make a national endorsement in the Democratic Primary, we knew we had to hear what on-the-ground supporters and activists like you had to say.
Here are a few of the reasons why Working Families Party members in all 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands voted for Bernie:
Patricia in WV: I voted for Bernie because I don't want to see my mother working two jobs until she's 65 only to retire in poverty.
Tracey in WI: We need to move the Democrats back to being true progressives and not corporate Democrats. That is the basic of the Working Families Party- a party that works for the people... not Wall Street.
Dan in NY: In casting my vote for Bernie Sanders, I was expressing my deepest hopes for racial, social and economic justice and environmental stewardship, not exploitation.
Wayne in VA: The WFP is the only organization on the scene capable of advancing his agenda after the 2016 election.
Together with your support and citizens who we haven't even met yet, we'll work hard for Bernie Sanders and the political revolution that the whole country needs. The next few months may make history, not just for the Working Families Party, or the Democrats, but for you, and me, and all of us.
This is going to take time, effort and resources. So we're asking: are you with us? Click here to pitch in $3 to jumpstart organizing #WFP4Bernie.
In solidarity,
Dan Cantor
National Director
Working Families Party
And, the New York Times has an article about it as well
WFP Endorses Bernie Sanders
Hillary Clinton Will Finish Third In Iowa, Behind Bernie Sanders and O'Malley. Here's Why
From the Huffington Post Blog
Hillary Clinton Will Finish Third In Iowa, Behind Bernie Sanders and O'Malley. Here's Why
By H.A. Goodman 12/4/15
The Iowa Caucus was once labeled as part of the Democratic Party's "extremes" by Hillary Clinton in a recently disclosed State Department email. However, there's nothing extreme about championing progressive values, even when they're not popular. Bernie Sanders has a history defending progressive principles, while Clinton has consistently veered to the right on war, foreign policy, trade, and even marijuana legislation.
Re: Corporate donations
Lobbying firms that work for two major private prison giants, GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America, gave $133,246 to the Ready for Hillary PAC, according to Vice. Those companies operate a number of criminal and immigrant detention facilities, some of which have been plagued by allegations of abuse and poor treatment of detainees.
Immigrant and civil rights groups have urged Clinton to stop accepting contributions from donors with ties to GEO and CCA. Earlier Thursday, in announcing its co-founder Cesar Vargas was moving to the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the advocacy group Dream Action Coalition singled out Clinton for accepting those contributions.
Re: War and foreign policy (for Clinton, seems those two things are synonymous)
Please check out the article. It has links to others. HuffPostBlog
Illegal, for profit war, in Iraq.
Patriot Act
Bankruptcy bill
No Child Left Behind
Pro Death Penalty
Anti-living wage
Don't understand how anyone that claims to be liberal, progressive, a Democrat, would support Hillary Clinton
#FeelTheBern #Bernie2016
Two DUers made it on The Young Turks!
Cross post from GD
Profile Information
Name: Mary MathieuGender: Female
Hometown: Chicago
Member since: Wed Sep 12, 2012, 08:25 PM
Number of posts: 17,997