imanamerican63's JournalWe ought protest the protesters?
Stay home and show them that we dont have to have guns to scare people!
There is something odd about the picture of Kim Jong Un is in?
Reports say they he has resurfaced after weeks of his health uncertainty. I cant post the story, but the picture of him looks off! He eye are odd to say the least? They glazed over and he looks like a zombie! The story comes from The NY Times.
Well, I got that pos's letter today!
I told my mother to shred it! I did think that it was funny that it was written in Spanish on the other side and signed it also! What waste of Americans taxes, just he could glorify himself!
Facebook and today's press briefing?
Well, it was a topic discussed & it wasnt good for Kayleigh! Especially the part where she stated I will never lie! Someone said you work for professional liar and if you dont lie for him? You be looking for a new job very soon! Just asked those who didnt lie for him?
That rabbit hole just got bigger!
Trumps puppet lying to the full house of his base! That press briefing and any briefing going forward will be the same as the old ones!
Another packing house is overwhelmed with positive tests!
Logansport, Ind- A Tyson owned pork plant have had 800 people tested positive for the Coronavirus. The plant employs 2300 to 3000 employees.
Thus, Trump signed an executive order to force the pack houses to say open!
What is that song? An idiot on my right and moron on left, & I'm stuck in the middle!
I am delivering a load of frozen pork to a customer in Oklahoma. I am standing by the door waiting to see if I get unloaded tonight or the morning. There are 2 other driver who are waiting there too. The receiver comes out and says he has room for 2 more loads in their warehouse. I tell him, it it fine that they hold me over until morning, but a driver gets smart with and says that he wants unloaded tonight the other driver got mad and said he was there first! I, at that point, returned to my truck! They were still arguing when I got my truck! I thought they were gonna start to throw punches! I dont want any part of that! The receiver came over to thank me for volunteering to wait and was happy I didnt get involved with the 2 fools! What hell is this country coming to?
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Name: MarkGender: Male
Hometown: Omaha, Ne
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Member since: Thu Aug 30, 2012, 01:56 AM
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