imanamerican63's JournalI am going to take the weekend off!
My head is still spinning from that happened last week! I have to get ready for next bombshells! So, have everyone have a great weekend!
The NRA must have chewed Trump out royally?
Hence, they are not dumping on him today! Just like DACA, he changes his views when he is not in front of the TV!
If the GOP don't act soon and stop this mad man Trump,...
we won't have a country to save! This morning he is tweeting about himself and some actor from SNL!
Though we see all the chaos coming from the White House .....
it all staged drama as if it wasa Hollywood script!
I don't know what anybody else thinks...
but I find it easier to understand Melania with her foreign accent better Dumbo the Orange Turd?
Is anyone looking at Dow Jones?
It's down over 320 pts! Wonder if it has to do with Trump adding tariffs on China?
Putin says he has rocket that can reach anywhere in the world!
That alone is terrifying, but I bet it is aimed right at Trump or Manafort?
Sessions is standing his ground!
Let me say this first, he is a weasel and I don't like him! But he and associates in the Justice Department are pushing back against Trump's bullying ways! Maybe ther is justice after all?
"They are coming for our GUNS, OH NO"!
Trump has even pissed off the NRA now! I was listening to a local radio station here in Indy! It is a right wing station! Man, this has a new look to this. It was long ago that Clinton, Obama and others were the ones coming for their guns! I listened for awhile and the host went on, stating that maybe they should not have voted for Trump after all? You gotta luv Trump, nope!
So Trump has found some guts to.....
run into a burning building, go into an active shooting to save people and now his not afraid of the NRA? Really Trump? I bet you $30 million on that? You are own by Putin, the NRA, women and are afraid of rain, stairs, mirrors and a whole bunch more! You are a scared weasel and that will never change!
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Name: MarkGender: Male
Hometown: Omaha, Ne
Home country: United States
Member since: Thu Aug 30, 2012, 01:56 AM
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