imanamerican63's JournalFinally!!!!
The GOP attempts to investigate the FBI and the DOJ has finally came to end, but there are those are trying to keep the farce alive!
The 7 year old that talk to the idiot Trump still believes in Santa!
She was than asked what she thought about Trump? She said that answer could be marginal and he is a low IQ idiot!
Big up swing in the stock market?
Trump was out of the country! No tantrum, no tweets, no Trump!
So Trump snuck off to visit the troops? I happy that he went to see the real heroes!
It only took two years for him to do that! But who wants to bet that plane doesn't return to DC with out going to Florida or New Jersey for his vacation?
That is brave of you, Donnie!
I don't believe that those government workers would be happy that you shutdown the government so you could get your wall, and they don't get the paycheck to live on! WRONG! Your bravery is as thin a piece of paper! Those workers are definitely not on the side which you have confused yourself with! You pathetically will say or do anything that will make you look brave, which again we Americans agree that you are a scared weasel and you can't get out of the mess you made of this country! Don't think that we were going to believe you than, now or in the future!
The Trumps did their duty?
They called some children on Christmas Eve, asking if the children still believed in Santa? I wonder how many answered only if the Trumps were impeached, tried and convicted?
I bet if they actually call anyone, it was the staff members children or no one was on the other end? Oh and they used last year's picture for the media!
"Poor ME"?
Not at all! Pathetic weasel now has empathy for himself! He causes this mess wants us to feel bad for him, because the Dems won't give in! In reference of Trump's tweet that he was all alone and has no one to bully around!
I hope everyone has a nice Christmas.
Even a better year! Just remember, this madman and madness will end soon!
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