imanamerican63's JournalAs we close out 2017 and look forward to the new year 2018?
Well, we made it a year so far without Trump starting a war. Oh wait, we have a day and half be the year is over, snap! We have had some every good things happen, ie, a victory for the Dems In NJ, Virginia, Alabama and several other places and Mueller moving forward despite all the criticism from the right. But, we had several bad things, Trump and is ego tops the list and the shootings in Texas, Las Vegas and all the others we never heard about, the storm in the States, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, all of the abuse towards women that has caused a movement for all women and yes, the horrible tax bill and the GOP's help Trump get want they all want. My hope for 2018, is Mueller can finally put Trump in a box then ship him and his crime family to prison. I wish for everyone to be healthy and safe. Happy New Year's to all the great people here on DU, may you be blessed with a good year.
Trump says his approval numbers stack up to Pres. Obama!
Say Whaaattttt!"I have absolute power to do what I want to with the Justice Dept"!
And he has the nuke codes!Roy Moore is the perfect example of Trump and the way Trump would have acted if he lost to Hillary!
Yep! Trump was right!
He is hardly back to work, yeah golfing! One hundred and eleven days golfing at his resorts or his golf courses! He is laziest president ever! Well, the laziest person trying to be president!
If you could have one wish for something in 2018...
what would it be? I know we all wish for one thing and one thing only! That Trump is impeached and all of his band of idiots are put in prison! And possibly Trump will be joining them at Trump's new resort, Mara Logo Prison? That would be the best wish granted ever!
I have bad feeling about this up coming weekend!
I think Trump will do his best to have Mueller ousted while the Congress is on Christmas break? He will fire Rosenstein and possibly Sessions first and then he will find someone to the dirty work! After yesterday's ridiculous showing in front of the White House, Trump has all the Repugs where he wants them, in the palm of hands and they won't even bother to anything about the outcome of this! A Christmas gift for all the rich and a screwing the rest of America.
Trump says he will start working with the Dems in 2018!
he must be really hitting the egg nog?Trump, you need to learn that the UN is more powerful and more important than you!
The UN is there to stop the very things you are trying to do! You are getting in way over your head if you think that you bully those other countries!
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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