imanamerican63's JournalWatched a Fox News's interview with Curt Schilling.
Wow! This guy lost his job at ESPN & becomes an expert in politics? He says that is knowledgeable about politics, continued to say that Trump is more qualified the Hillary & Gary Johnson! Go back to sports you loser!
We live in disturbed world.
From the Omaha World Herald today.
A sixteen year old girl who gave birth to a newborn this morning, and then threw the newborn out a two story apartment window. The newborn died before first responders could revive the infant. This happened in Omaha this morning.
Very sad.
I talked with my mother this morning.
There a few of us in my family who support Hillary and there others, oh well who don't. One of my sisters says Hillary has Parkinson's disease. Ok, she was a nurse and may know the systems of the disease, but she see how Hillary acts on TV. And knows Hillary is sick! I love my sister and the others, but I think they just as nutty as those who follow Fox News!
"Ms Universe was a horrible person"!
According to Trump and the morning spin from him! "She should have never won Ms Universe and she gained weight"!
Again, he doesn't makes any sense and attacking women!
Hey Steve Schimdt, you won't get a Christmas card from Trump!

He is ripping into Trump hard and says Sarah Palin is a better debater than Trump!

Why won't the media accept that Trump was hit by Hillary from the beginning.....
to the end of the debate?
Are they trying to pumping up Trump's ego to get him to do the 2 last debate?
Do they want him to be president?
Is Trump buying their loyalty?
What ever the motive is? It is pathetic!
Kellyanne Conway says Trump did a good job of pivoting!
Maybe he did? NOT! He couldn't keep up with the questions and defended himself more often then answering them. Let the spinning begin!
Also, Mika and Joe thinks Trump made waves with undecided voters! They are back on the Trump train!
Steve Schimdt thinks this could be the last hope for Trump!
And Trump was unprepared and very incoherent!
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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