imanamerican63's JournalSo, when will Trump go 3rd party on the GOP?
You have to wonder when this will imploded? All the scandalish issues that have arisen the past few weeks, is beginning to hurt him more than helping his image.
So, when will Trump learn?
I don't think he ever will? He can't give a straight answer to a tough question and everything is about him and his money. No way could he defend that goon for a campaign manager, but he tried to spin it and putting the blame on the reporter. They could have made this a mute case, but they are going to ride this to the end and going to ruin someone's creditability. Nice job, Trump! Not!
What the in world! MSNBC says that the media did not create Trump's success!
Well, maybe they are right in some sense, but the media has giving him so much media attention, he has had a place to spew his hate filled campaign. This gives Trump a platform unlike any other candidate, due to air time. I did laugh when I heard 2 conservatives radio hosts go after Trump, yesterday and not coddle him with easy questions. They went after him hard and he was uncomfortable, irritated and repeating himself. If you notice, when Trump is nervous and upset, he repeats himself, stutters and rambles. I think Hillary or Sanders will be able to use this as tactics against him, if he should win the nominee for the GOP. No, MSNBC you and the other media outlets help to the success of Trump and the GOP failure to attack Trump in the beginning, lead to this so called candidate to rise as a front runner.
A not so bright moment!
A Georgia man looses leg after shooting a lawnmower filled with explosives!
Really, what could go wrong with that?
Trump has said that the Republican Party is a disgrace!
Really! What part of this disgrace is Trump part of?
Happy Easter to everyone on DU!
Michelle Bachmann is off her her rocker!!!
She did an opt-ed for the WorldNetDaily, where she was trying to connect the attacks Brussels to Pres. Obama! They'll try anything to shame the President and the GOP keep digging a deeper hole for them to fall into!
If this doesn't beat all?
The gunman that shot U.S. Rep. Giffords in 2011, is now suing her for$25 million dollars due to mental distress! Utterly amazing! I don't know where to start with that is wrong with this!
It may have not been the best moment for Pres. Obama?
OK, maybe Pres. Obama should have foregone the baseball game and flown back to the U.S. after the news of the bombing? I get it! And maybe he should receive some backlash for not coming back? I get it! But what I don't get! Why did these same people who criticized Pres. Obama, but never criticized Pres. Reagan for waiting to response to the Marine barracks bombing until he returned back from vacation? Or why they never criticized Pres. Geo. W. Bush for saying mission accomplished on a Navy ship, when we all knew that it was never accomplished? I could go on, but I am not here to jump on any bandwagon. No matter what Pres. Obama does, they will say it is wrong.
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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