imanamerican63's JournalHappy Thanksgiving to in DU Land!
May everyone be safe and have a good Thanksgiving!
Howdy folks!
Happy to see that DU is up and running! We need to stick together now more than ever!
Well, we know now!
If there are already lawsuits starting, we are in for a long fight? Just hope the judicial system is on their game?
Oh goodie! Get to hear Rudy's take on tonight's outcome!
I hate to say this, but I'm.......
embarrassed with one of my sisters. She said she was only voting for Trump for one reason! He will make the right choices for the Supreme Court. Now, I respect her her vote, but is that only reason? She is against abortion & feels that it is illegal, this from someone who has tried to take her life 3 times in past 10 years. Thanks for letting me vent! We haven't talked ever since her last attemp of suicide. It is hard to understand those unreasonable people.
The big day is finally here and hopefully late tonight, we will have a new president elect!
I feel good and think Madam President Elect Hillary Clinton will be the phrase said after tonight. Trump will sulk his way back to his cheaply made high rise apartment, cheap suits and his many lawsuits. He will finally know what loosing feels like and the best thing about it, it will done by a woman who will be the FIRST woman to become PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ! Have a wonderful day and keep the faith that the Orange Marmalade Orangutan and hos band of goonies will go away for ever!
I was just watching youtube!
There is an episode of Cheers, where Cliff is shocked by his doctor, when he says some obnoxious! Boy, I would love to see Trump and surrogates get shocked by the American public each time they say something STUPID! Now that would be fun and funny!
Who has had an audit that taken over a year to be settled?
They are still using that excuse for Trump's excuse!
It is down to crunch time!
Vote! Vote! Vote!
It will our finest hour in the political landscape to tell Trump and his cronies that they can go back into the hole they climbed out of!
Our vote does count, so our voice can be heard! Leave them wondering what happened? Leave no doubts with the outcome! And any other sayings left out there!
God Bless the United States of America!
Profile Information
Name: MarkGender: Male
Hometown: Omaha, Ne
Home country: United States
Member since: Thu Aug 30, 2012, 02:56 AM
Number of posts: 14,161