imanamerican63's JournalTrey "Howdy Doody" Gowdy is stepping down from the Ethnic Board in Congress!
I wonder if they have something on him? I will have to read the story later! But the unethical guy is leaving the Ethics Committee!Ha Ha! Good for Norway!
The people of Norway say "No Thanks" to Trump comment about immigration after his racist remarks about "shit hole" countries!
Ryan gave a half ass response to Trump and he was a coward why to explain away racism!
Just like Roy Moore's wife and her comment about their Jewish lawyer. There is many ways to hide racist comment and the GOP does it well! But then again, where is McTurtle? Hiding in hiding in his shell?
Trump has set this country up for more hate and violence.
He is begging for attention and needs the gratification of the racist ideology. All in meanwhile our country is going to pay for his racist remarks. Where are the leaders of the Republican Party? If they stay quiet, they must pay too?
A racist honoring an American hero.
It's gonna get physical!
Will the doctor say Trump the most healthiest POTUS ever? Or will we find out that all those cheese burgers is got to _____?
Fill in blank!
I am not condoning violence...
BUT! I'm am waiting for day that Snarky Sarah Huckabee Sanders gets what she has coming to her?
So, let me get this right?
Trump is worried about Iran and No. Korea having nukes, but he does see any problems with Russia and their influence in our issues?
Everything Trump was funny, but....
now it's down right scary! I do not know how much longer this country can endure this stupid genius?
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