imanamerican63's JournalNewt said in an interview that Trump is winning the debate over the shutdown!
Right! He is still pissed that Bill Clinton ran circles around him! Who your daddy, Newt? Not Trump!
I keep hearing the economy is booming?
So then why are we not hearing that the price of oil not going down and the prices in the grocery stores are at an all time high. I went to Walmart last and bought a few groceries and by the time I left, it cost almost $30.00 & I went the cheapest price I could find!
That Republican Congresswoman who was just on MSNBC....
says that the senate was not controlled by the GOP! Just one word, WOW! Ok, two words, "clueless"!
I just got a call from a friend of mine!
Yes, he is republican! He said that it was Hillary and Obama who told the Dems not to for the CR! What could I say? I started to laugh, he got pissed and hung up on me! I'm still laughing!
OK! Call it whatever you want, Mr. GOP?
This is Trump and the GOP's failure! Schumer may hold the cards, but he is not buying your bluff!
You give them an inch? They take a foot!
You give them a yard? They move the end zone! Then they say that our team is not the ones playing by the rules? Wow! They are playing the same game as they did when Obama was in office! Pathetic political gamble?
Schumer describing Trump and the ability to work with him!Who will be the first to give in?
1) Dems?
2) GOP?
3) the pos Trump?
My bet is on 2 or 3!
McTurtle is rambling!
As much as they are hoping for....
Trump will never be the president that the GOP wants! But than again, they are not that smart to see he is a moron!
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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Member since: Thu Aug 30, 2012, 02:56 AM
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