imanamerican63's JournalPence is a putz!
Spewing lie after lies! Just one more of those low hanging fruit that Mueller will grab!
Would someone tell what a see-through wall is?
If I am not mistaken,? It is a window, RIGHT?
Here is something to think about?
What if Mueller is finally able to get to Trump or someone in his family with indictments before Feb 8? What is outlook for that?
The only person that benefited from this, is Trump!
He can say he is the one who got them all on the same page and when it shuts down in 3 weeks, he will say he did his very best to find a way to move on! Nothing like "wINNING" rIGHT!
So they have once again "kicked the can down the road"?
For what? This government for the people by the people is turning to a factory where they change the good functional parts with parts that will destroy the well being of the good working machine. Yes, it is a band aid, but why keep putting band aids on parts that may never be the machine that was once was? We should be governed by those who find solutions to problems and not make more problems for the solutions we need!
I am old enough to understand that this what politics are all about, but damn! People future are at stake here and they say they care, but the politician sole purpose is to please their donors and not the public voters that voted them in to office. I am still proud to an American, but there are a lot days I just wonder why?
A man who should have never been put in charge our country, has in one years time destroyed our faith in our government and our everyday well being! For what, I asked again? He own gain is what! He has the leadership of a 10 year old(not intended to insult 10 year olds) and acts as if he has the answers to everything. And there are those who go out of their way to please his every ????(insert your own words here), to boast his ego arrogant personality that will destroy our country.
We are seeing a change that is not going to be food for the future of this country. There is only can that we should be kicking the road and that Trump and band of corrupt cronies out of office!
There is picture of Stephen Miller on MSN page!
The guy looks spooky as ever! And we thought Bannon was evil? Sorry, I can't post the picture of the creepy critter because my will have a virus after I do!
If the Senate votes for the CR....
doesn't it have to go back to the House for vote again? And here we go again!
Winning is what it's all about?
And there is lying and is what the GOP is all about!
So, did Trump ever make it to his dinner?
Like he really needs to feed himself his own b.s.? Or eat anything anymore?
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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