imanamerican63's JournalTrump doesn't speak on a 4th grade level....
it's more like a 4 year old level! Very pathetic!
Nicely done Senator Feinstein '
You showed the GOP that they can't cover for POTUS & pushing the investigation to the side!
Trump is in trouble and....
now he wants everyone to get along? Yeah right! He was the basis for the hate that has passed thru the country!
Wow! Is it a coincidence that a woman who called out Moore for improper acts, her house was burned..
to the ground? These people won't stop until they control the entire country! I have no proof that Moore had anything to do with the fire, but if they find it to arson? You bet your @$$ he has a hand in it!
What if?
What if Mueller were to come out on Monday with charges on a member of Trump's family before they could fire him? What are the legal ramifications would take place?
I wish there were a few good people in politics on the right who would stand up to the tweeting Twit
This is not the America that I grew up in and helped defend in the mid 1980's! It pains me to see our constitution and our laws to protect us from people like Trump, being destroyed by the the greed of those who have money and the power to influence our government.
Hey folks! I think we are in huge trouble?
Trump is going tearing down this country all before Mueller is finished with his investigations! The GOP are with him at Camp David and nothing good will be coming out of the meetings this weekend!
Follow me here?
I am beginning to wonder if this tell all book is another one of Trump and his staff's stunt to distract from the any Russia issues and all the other problems that are closing in on them? Think about it? Why would Bannon be the one to throw Trump under the bus? I know there are others saying things too! I may be wrong, but I just think they need Trump to be the news. This book has been in the works for sometime and just when Mueller closes in they will able to say Trump did not know the what, the how and the why? Remember Trump likes drama!
Can you imagine Trump in a toga?
Nope! But this the Caesar story in a modern day setting! Trump has alienated everyone in the White House and the world! Now Sly Steve has turn against Trump! Act 2 was when Caesar tries to save himself from harm and hires more lawyers to sue the one who turn on him! Final act, we will have to wait to see what happens next?
Just one more story that won't end!
She's back???????
Michele Bachmann is mulling it over and might be running for the Senate that Sen. Franken step down from! Oh great! Romney and Bachmann are two that I thought we buried a long time ago?
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Name: MarkGender: Male
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