redstatebluegirl's JournalFracking and foundations.
We live close to Oklahoma City. There was a quake 4.0 the other day close to us, it shook the house pretty good. My husband noticed a small crack in our patio after this one. He checked around the house after that one and didn't see anything else, no cracks in the drywall or anything like that. I'm not a construction person, could we have foundation damage after this type of quake?
We have earthquake insurance, but my neighbor said we would never be able to prove it was the earthquake and not just the usual foundation issues we have in Oklahoma due to the clay all of our houses are built on.
I saw an article that a lawsuit class action is being prepared by some large legal group to sue the oil companies for fracking. I am at a loss as to what we should do next. Do we call a foundation repair company and see if there is damage, if so, do we just suck it up and get it fixed?
This is getting really frightening. Any advice would be very welcome!
Well my Hillary sign lasted two days.
Stolen overnight last night. It was there when I went to bed and gone when I got up. I am going back to get another one, they won't win.
Thank you for the heart, this past week has been difficult
I really needed it! Thank you so much!
Cancer Treatment
A friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer day before yesterday. They wanted to start aggressive treatment right away so she and her husband were called to the hospital business office this morning. Bottom line, they sat them down, showed them a very large 6 figure bill and asked how they intended to pay for the treatment after the insurance was exhausted. They have good insurance through the university but even with that the cost is beyond what any person other than a very rich person could pay. How do people do it? Will they refuse her treatment if they can't pay?
No person should feel their life is in danger because they can't pay for care. She called me in tears and said the meeting felt like they were being shaken down by a loan shark.
Then this morning I see the little toad who overcharged for drugs people needed, pleading the 5th and smirking the whole time, make me physically ill.
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