heaven05's Journalhopefully
she will do the right thing when it is time......I'll wait to see voting record before I judge too harshly. Glad we have another vote on the way, maybe...... I can't say with certainty.
I use grifter exclusively for the trump family
omarosa is a first class fraud, self-hating african-American that I pity as an unremorseful and shameless sham artist. Why self-hating. She knowingly worked for a racist grifter.
whoa!!! Excellent!!!!!!!
but the reality is outside of specific hates based on culture, race, the geography of origin, humans hate humans. White-Americans still hate other White-Americans. African-Americans hate other African Americans. Hispanic-Americans hate other Hispanic-Americans. Muslim-Americans hate other Muslim-Americans. Asian-Americans hate other Asian-Americans. And last but not least First-Americans hate other First-Americans.
If we could get rid of general everyday hate, could we then be able to rid ourselves of this insanity of hate and mistrust plaguing humankind? Just asking. Is it possible given the precedent already set by almost constant warfare among human beings?
I have five cats
I have a spray bottle for when they act up. Four get out of dodge if they see me with it. The black and white tuxedo just sits there looking at me almost as if he's saying, "bring it on". You won't win. After a few squirts, I stop. He licks off the water and returns to harassing the orange and white. When I holler 'cut it' he takes off. All five have given me years of love and soften my day. So does vice-chancellor my 65-pound pointer-setter mix. He's a big baby until someone approaches he does not know. He transforms enough to make strangers stop walking up to the door. "Good dog", and he gets his treat after I quiet him down. One thing right in the creation of this little ball of dirt done right...pets for people.
amerika in this trumpedup country
https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/11/traveling-while-muslim-the-case-of-the-exploding-chocolate-219347 hell this has my stomach in knots. I just ate and feel like I throw up in these so-called 'officers' faces.. racist goddamn pigs for trumpand on and on#8
as usual, thank Mr. Harriot
https://www.theroot.com/this-is-what-they-meant-by-great-again-its-2018-and-am-1828275682I found this extremely informative
in its direct truth of this matter of race so contentious in this forum.
this and
we white skinned KKKristians ARE superior to you brownskins, but you give us someone to point to and say, "see even our negroes love our white Jesus", or they better.. or you will end up in hell n****r.
At least that along with other performance rules applied only because of my colour: "no we don't condone your relationship but you two can come to our church IF you sit separately" Actual quote when wanting to join their church as members.
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Name: hansGender: Do not display
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