heaven05's Journalsorry I misunderstood
which is my way sometimes...forgive my cloudiness...please Cloudiness you can call just plain dunce sometimes, "heaven go sit in the corner...now"!!!!!
well I miss nuance
and agreement sometimes in my clouded mind these days. Thanks, sorry. I just feel ......
I would add
lowlifepresident, liar, hyperfascist,...anymore?👴🏽
https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/12/opinions/democrats-have-to-choose-victory-over-ideology-opinion-harrop/index.html?no-st=1534175979anyone also notice
that Agent Strzok was a russian spy hunter, a very successful russian spy hunter? And that he had a huge victory-bust in 2010 of a russian spy group here? Putin said fire him and trump said yes boss. Sessions get on it. Yes, boss. Not a stretch at all for me to come to this conclusion.
DYSON understands
the rest? "Massa, Massa that ungrateful ....................ran thissa way". That's what I think about these type people of colour. Self-hating grifters, looking for a pat on the back, paycheck. Sad really. But not unexpected from other human beings of colour. Always been among us shameless, wounded and omarosa material pre-kicked out the WH on her ass.
I am glad
for NO injuries or deaths at the hands of white supremacist or cops against anti-racists. Since it seems they are the ones ALWAYS targeted by the 'authorities, NATIONWIDE, in ALL protests against racism, fascism, civil rights. The fascist have gotten away with their violence yet anyone speaks up against them during the heat of any confrontation, the anti-white supremacy person is targeted.
Again this was as good as it gets. In D.C? Excellent!!!! RESIST!!!
she needs to go somewhere
and sit down. She is shameless. And I hope she continues to get heckled and booed no matter where she shows up. She does not give a damn about being complicit in the dumptrump deception of opening the can of hate on the American people in the persona(s) of all the racist white people coming out of the cracks in amerikkka like roaches. Nor does a self-hating individual like her have any regrets other than getting thrown out the WH on her ear, literally. Revenge is her only motive. She probably had a dress on when they literally threw her out into the street like so much garbage.
To hell with omarosa and her goddamn book..
these arguments serve no functional purpose. Won't get rid of dumptrump. Let's argue about ways of getting rid of that jackass...
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