Trueblue Texan
Trueblue Texan's JournalPrecedent? Who gives a crap about precedent?
True to their hypocritical values, Republicans are up in arms that the draft opinion to destroy Roe was leaked. They're outraged at such a breach of confidentiality and precedence the court has always depended on.
Now ain't that a freakin' hoot? Ain't that rich? When clearly they don't give one shit about precedence. But true to their character, they're just not thinking this one through. If they can toss nearly 50 years of settled law into the bin, why should the 230+ years of any of the Court's rulings matter to anyone? Why should anyone care one way or the other about the Court's rulings? Why don't we just embrace anarchy? Is that one of the purposes of such a ruling? Isn't undermining of the Court's authority in this way just another form of sedition? Another deadly blow to our democracy? Maybe that's what the Republicans wanted all along. It would make sense given their loyalty to Trump and Putin.
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