Trueblue Texan
Trueblue Texan's JournalOh, please join me in prayer about this! know we are all deeply concerned about Lord Kavanaugh.
All Democrats should consider this hugely important question.]
My HERO!!!
My beautiful, brave, brilliant granddaughter is 8 years old. A month ago she and her little brother braved the wilds of the local pharmacy and took their first COVID vaccine. She was scared, tearful, but willing. After the vaccine, she went around the Walgreens and informed every customer in the store that she was no longer afraid of shots, but now LIKED shots. This is her today after receiving the second COVID shot AND her flu vaccine.
All Americans should have such courage!!!
Did you ever think what blue Texas could do?
Beto came close to kicking' Teddy C-ruz's ass. What would happen if instead of liberals bashing Texas, they just started moving here in droves? Bringing their liberal friends and family --maybe having some kids. Property prices are pretty reasonable in Texas and no state income tax. Some of the schools are actually excellent. Just think what an influx of libs could do this state. Could be a great contribution to democracy and it wouldn't be so lonely for the rest of us red state libs. Just think...if Texas turned blue. OH! What we could do! There goes the electoral college right wingers!
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Member since: Thu Mar 15, 2012, 12:01 PMNumber of posts: 2,975