Trueblue Texan
Trueblue Texan's JournalMueller Report: 'At least one Florida county' hacked and accessed by Russian intelligence
Source: Orlando Sentinel 4-26-19
The FBI believes at least one Florida county was infiltrated in 2016 with malicious software sent out by Russian intelligence agents, according to the Mueller Report released Thursday.
But the Florida Secretary of States office maintained its elections systems werent hacked, adding that the FBI hasnt told the state which county they believe was compromised.
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Brian Williams covered this story tonight on The 11th Hour:
Hacking of Florida machines in 2016....I F***** KNEW it!
I worked a little bit late on election night 2016...I hadn't been home long when votes from the east coast started coming in. As soon as I saw those earliest returns, I KNEW it was going to be a bad night. I knew right then those machines had been hacked. I f****** KNEW it!
Does anyone get the feeling...
...that Trump and those around him want him to be impeached so that asshole Pence can take up the reins, pardon him, and carry out their agenda? I'm sure that would please everyone in the Republican party. He just seems to be pushing that envelope so hard lately, as if he's DARING the Dems to impeach him.
Or maybe I'm just so worn out trying to figure out what sinister plot they've got going next I've become suspicious of everything. But that seems a precautious and wise approach with such thugs.
I have a question for all the Democratic presidential candidates and all the Democrats in Congress..
...and all the Democrats reading this post: If the implications in the Mueller report were about Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign instead of Trump and his campaign, would you move to impeach her?
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