hollysmom's Journalwoot, anyone else have problems with ordering stuff? like they saved your credit card number.
I have bought things before, not often as I used to, they always sent me to a page to get my order in and I would say don't save my credit card. Well, I haven't ordered anything for a year and I saw the cutest baby thing for a shower I am going to,
I go to the cart to buy it and wallah - the order is in and I have not filled out the shipping information or the credit card number and I am trying to figure out what happened, i finally looked in my e-mail (I don't get automatic email notifications because I keep e-mail on the web I have a bunch of then,. it says I can cancekl in 15 minutes after I order - well I have been looking around and 15 minutes was long gone. when I look at the details inthe e-mail I see they shipped itto a friend in Florida where I shipped something last year - that is my default shipping location now!
OK I bought something with the wrong credit card going half way around the country so I won't have it for the shower and all because Woot decided to save my information and saved it in a way that is not anything I would choose?
I am ranting, I know I am ranting, I am so furious they saved this information and applied it without asking me. I am sure there was not page where I could see what was there and now, it won't let me change any information in my account unless I save a credit card number there. Now I either have to cancel that card to get it out of their system and to delete my account. I don't want them to have the information I dont' recall anywhere where it said you had to leave such information with them. I think my woot days are over.
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