LovingA2andMI's JournalJust Because You Believe You're A Civil Rights Icon..Does Not Mean One Can't Be Judge When Wrong....
If Your Candidate Is Strong - It is Not Necessary To Lie On Another to Win. All That does Is Display Large And Wide The Weakness in Your Candidate.
As It Relates to the Mess About What Congressman John Lewis Said-- He Lied - Point Blank Period On Bernie Sanders.
As a Young Jewish Man in the early 1960's, Sanders was a part - as were many others - in the Civil Rights Struggle. Sanders participated during the March on Washington and Chairman of CORE a Social Change Organization that sought equality in Student Housing in Chicago during that same period.
It was not required that Sanders "Check-In" With John Lewis to verify all of his related Civil Rights Activities in the 1960's.
Nor was it required that all of the Freedom Riders - including James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner "Check-In" with John Lewis before visiting Nashoba County, Mississippi or that Merger Evans "Check In" with John Lewis before arriving home in his driveway, or Emmett Till "Check-In" with John Lewis before visiting a grocery Store in Money, Mississippi.
In Fact, It was not required that ANY OF THE individuals giving time, money or worst their body -- up to in some cases the point of death - "Check-In" with John Lewis to ensure he know they were there.
Martin Luther King did not require this for those aligning with his rightful views on the struggle, so excuse me but what makes John Lewis more special than MLK?
Let me answer my own question - NOTHING.
Furthermore, John Lewis Lied on when he claimed to first met the Clinton's.
He did NOT meet Bill or Hillary Clinton in the early 1960's. Want to know why?
Hillary Clinton was ending high school in the Chicagoland area and was a Goldwater Girl until 1964 - then because a student at Wellesley College - a Exclusive All Girls Private College in Wellesley, Massachusetts that did NOT admit African-American students in the early or mid 1960's.
Heck the college just named recently it's first African-American President - so...
President Bill Clinton was nowhere near a Civil Rights March as a High School Student until 1963 - then attending Georgetown University from 1964 to 1967 and -- next as a intern and then clerk in the office of Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright - a KNOWN RACIST at the time.
In Fact, Lewis did not even hear of Bill Clinton until the early 1970's according to his own words:
Lewis contributed a section to a 2001 book called "Conversations: William Jefferson Clinton, from Hope to Harlem" which offers an African American perspective on President Clinton. In the book, Lewis states:
The first time I heard of Bill Clinton was in the early 70s. I was living in Georgia, working for the Southern Poverty Law organization, when someone told me about this young, emerging leader in Arkansas who served as attorney general, then later became governor.
And did not meet Bill Clinton until 1988, or two years prior to Bill Clinton's announcement to run for President in 1991.
I think I paid more attention to him at the 1988 Democratic Convention, when he was asked to introduce the presidential candidate and took up far more time than was allotted to him. After he became involved with the Democratic Leadership Council, I would run into him from time to time. But it was one of his aides, Rodney Slater, who actually introduced us in 1991 and asked me if I would support his presidency.
And it can be reasonably assumed this is the same time John Lewis met Hillary Clinton also. In the late 1980's not early/mid/or late 1960's
Thus, during the Civil Rights Era and, whatever work Bill or Hillary Clinton MIGHT HAVE DONE for Civil Rights during the 1960's, they did not "Check-In" with John Lewis before they did it -- and neither did Bernie Sanders.
There is on thing to desire to remain a Civil Rights Icon and another to -- lie as a so-called Civil Rights Icon -- on other individuals who participated in the fight for Civil Rights.
John Lewis LIED on Bernie Sanders and failed to tell the truth on Bill and Hillary Clinton - when he actually met them.
With that, John Lewis just lost a bit of respect from myself and other STUDENTS of the struggle for Civil Rights - who are African-American - across this county.
Don't lie to prop up your chosen candidate especially on the issue of Civil Rights. It's not a Good Look At All.
Independent Underground News & Talk
Harry Belafonte Endorses Bernie Sanders
Harry Belafonte is a HUGE (using the Bernie way of saying it) Figure In The Civil Rights Movement. Anyone That Has Studied Anything About This Movement Knows This.
Belafonte was extremely close to both Dr. King and His Wife Ms. Scott-King. He Marched With Them, He Strategized With Them, He Cried With Them, He Laughed With Them.
To Have Mr. Belafonte's Endorsement Today of Bernie Sanders - Proves He (Bernie Sanders) - Not Other Candidates - Are Standing In Line with the Legacy of MLK and frankly is "ThisClose" to MLK or Ms. Scott-King (Rest In Power) Endorsing Mr. Sanders Themselves.
Thank You Harry B. Harry B. #GotBerniesBack
The singer and songwriter who was active in the Civil Rights Movement and close with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. released a video Thursday detailing his endorsement that was given exclusively to NBC News.
"I would suggest to those of you who have not yet made up your minds, or maybe even some of you who have made up your minds, to maybe consider and reconsider what it is that Bernie Sanders offers,"
Belafonte said in a video endorsing Sanders. "He offers us a chance to declare unequivocally that there is a group of citizens who have a deep caring for where are nation goes and what it does in the process of going."
Flint Water Crisis: Does MLive Have Emails Connecting Governor Snyder To MDEQ's Silence?
Does MLive Have The Emails They Wrote Exist In An Article Claiming The Governor Told Officials at the MDEQ To Stay Silent On High Blood Lead Levels At Three Flint Area Elementary Schools?
Is The Governor Right To Basically Call The Resource - Liars?
Let's Hope MLive.com Has The Emails!!
On Wednesday, February 10, MLive Media Group broke an story claiming that Michigan's Governor Rick Snyder not only knew about the high levels of lead in the blood tests at three Elementary Schools in Flint, Michigan; but ordered his Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to not release the information for days on end.
Gov. Rick Snyder and other state officials allegedly withheld lead testing results from county health officials while they worked to find ways to present the information to the public, according to emails obtained by The Flint Journal.
Local health officials say the governor and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality withheld lead testing results, including results from a Flint elementary school, while the agency discussed the best way to present the information to the public.
Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/02/flint-water-crisis-does-mlive-have.html#ixzz3zs3zdttU
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Rick Snyder Recall 3.0: The People Have Likely Been Hookwinked Before It Starts
Mainstream Media Resources and Bloggers Across the Nation Were Happy As Pleased Delicious Happy Pie, Michigan's Embattled Governor Rick Snyder Would Face a Recall Effort In 2016.
Especially After The Unbelievable Mess And Tragic Situation in Flint, Michigan A Real Recall Effort Would Be The Least Governor Rick Snyder Deserves, Right?
Unless, It Was All A Twisted Public Relations, Trick.
We'll be first to admit or fall upon the sword of Bamboozled, as we at Independent Underground News & Talk were fooled too initially.
In the past year there have been at numerous efforts to have petition language approved against the Governor.
Detroit, Michigan Pastor Angelo Scott Brown put a total of four recall efforts before the Board of State Canvassers over the Flint Water Crisis in 2015. Three of the four were rejected by the Board mysteriously and one was withdrawn.
Another effort took place on January 28, and this is what happened when Flint, Michigan resident Quincy Murphy filed a petition. When filing the petition, Quincy cited he desired to recall Snyder for "Failing to protect the health and safety of the citizens of Flint, which has resulted in a state of emergency for Genesee County due to toxic lead levels in the drinking water."
However, Quincy's effort was in vain just like Pastor Brown's attempts prior.
As Governor Rick Snyder's Attorney John Pinch told the Michigan Board of Canvassers and they believed - even after Snyder's December 29, 2015, "apology" for Flint's Water Crisis, that - Murphy petition did not meet the legal standard because it "consists of Mr. Murphy's unsubstantiated opinions and conclusions."
Yet on February 8, one man's petition out of nine other attempts the same day, was approved. Now, first it is important to note that Governor Rick Snyder appoints all the officials on the Board of Canvassers. The board's make up is supposedly two Democrats and two Republicans.
However, reviewing whose petition for Recalling Rick Snyder the two-two political party split the Board approved, led astray might best describe the history of Republican Tea-Party Favored Son out of Macomb County, Ben Larazus."
Read More Here: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/02/rick-snyder-recall-30-people-have.html#axzz3zVZgmn5
Flint Water Crisis: Real Stories, Real People, Real Life - A Mini Documentary
For the past week, our blog and podcast resource has not produced any articles or podcast episodes as we prepared footage for our Exclusive Documentary Titled: Flint Water Crisis - Real Stories, Real People, Real Life.
The footage featured in the Documentary was filmed on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 and Saturday, February 6. 2016 in Flint, Michigan.
View the Mini-Documentary "Flint Water Crisis - Real Stories, Real People, Real Life" by Independent Underground News & Talk," below:
Flint Water Crisis: Detroit Former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Speaks
However, Detroit's former Mayor current living arrangements is not hindering his ability to weight in on Flint, Michigan Toxic Water Crisis - blaming both past and present Republican and Democratic officials for Flint's current state.
According to Kilpatrick discussions surrounding the mismanagement of Flint's Water Department started back in 2004. Michigan's former Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) -now Chief Adviser to Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign-, selected members of then Democratically controlled Michigan Legislature, Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) and Genesee County Officials were all parties to Flint Water issues at the time - Kilpatrick detailed in a January 19 Facebook post.
Two years later in 2006, Kilpatrick claims negotiations begun to place Flint's Water Department on the Detroit Water and Sewer System. SEMCOG, Genesee Counties Drain Commissioner, a State Senator, and a State House Member all from Genesee County Kilpatrick alleges, opposed the deal.
Kilpatrick also states former U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan - the late Justice John Feikens was fully aware of the negotiations nearly ten years prior, along with former Governor Jennifer Granholm - who left office by way of term limits in 2010.
"When the current Governor of Michigan says that he "only recently was made aware of this issue", he is being misleading at best. But more than likely, he is being viciously, aggressively, and deliberately untruthful. I pray that the truth comes out. That's what everyone in Michigan wants right? The Truth! Well, my prayer is that you all will have an opportunity to warm yourselves at the fire of Truth," Kilpatrick Wrote.
Read More: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/01/flint-water-crisis-detroit-former-mayor.html
Flint Water Crisis: Time Thought Leaders Address The Systematic Genocide
Questions include is this crisis just centrally or hyper-focused located just in Flint, Michigan? How exactly does the data proves a conclusion that no lead or other toxins have leeched into free flowing water outside of Flint into other areas of Genesee County?
What is the scientific independently verified data to quantify the theory no other city, township or village in Genesee County is impacted by what can be named the worst environmental ruination in recent time, in Michigan's history?
Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/01/oped-flint-water-crisis-time-for.html#ixzz3xc56jp1H
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Flint Water Crisis: Federal Help On The Way, Michigan National Guard Activated
A late in the evening Press Release sent out by Governor Rick Snyder's Office stated both the full resources of FEMA and the Michigan National Guard will be deployed to Flint dealing with residents immediate emergency needs, along with the American Red Cross Agency.
"Members of the National Guard are expected to start arriving in Flint as early as Wednesday to assist with response efforts and plan to increase to over 30 personnel by Friday." the Governor's office wrote.
"The support of the National Guard will enable American Red Cross volunteers, who have been staffing the water resource sites since Jan. 9, to join the efforts of the water resource teams going door to door in Flint neighborhoods to distribute bottled water, water filters, replacement cartridges and testing kits."
Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/01/Federal-Help-Going-To-Flint.html#ixzz3x74ibk4X
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Flint Water Crisis: How You Can Help Provide Clean Water Access
Here's a round up of groups, non-profits, organizations and individuals seeking to truly help the People of Flint:
1). Water You Fighting For?
A Flint, Michigan based Clean Water Activist Group ran by Melissa Mays. Ms. Mays organization is working with Flint, Michigan's Mayor Karen Weaver's task force to address the long-term health, water and infrastructural needs for the City's residents. Water You Fighting For? is also organizing bottle water drives deliver clean water to Citizens in Flint.
2). We The People of Detroit
A Detroit, Michigan based Clean Water and Resource Activist Group ran by Monica Lewis Patrick and Debra Taylor. Ms. Lewis-Patrick and Taylor's organization, presented a Flint Healing Stories Symposium in March of 2015 were residents of Flint described the difficulties during the conference, with clean water access, crime, transportation resources and more.
We The People of Detroit recently partnered with the Detroit Light Brigade Organization to Deliver and other coordination resources to deliver upwards of 9000 cases of bottle water to Flint.
Read more: http://www.reachoutjobsearch.com/2016/01/flint-water-crisis-how-you-can-help.html#ixzz3wjnPI2vy
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Gov. Snyder must decide whether to declare disaster in Flint water crisis
Source: MLive - Flint Journal
"FLINT, MI -- Last week, Gov. Rick Snyder said he was sorry for Flint's lead in water crisis.
Now, he must decide whether the situation amounts to a man-made disaster, created while the city was being run by emergency managers that he appointed. Genesee County Board of Commissioners Chairman Jamie Curtis endorsed Flint Mayor Karen Weaver's request for a federal disaster declaration today, Jan. 4. The application was described by officials as a work in progress and includes a request for more than $50 million.
Among the specifics of the request: an estimated $45 million for the replacement of about 15,000 lead water service lines, $6.2 million to expedite upgrades in the city's water system to prepare it for treating and distributing water from the Karegnondi Water Authority and an unspecified amount to lessen the health effects of elevated lead levels in water.
"Its a victory, and it's a step in the right direction," said Weaver, who plans to meet with Snyder to discuss the declaration Thursday, Jan. 7. "I am not going to give up until this is done."
A spokesman for Snyder said in an email statement today that the Michigan State Police's Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division has already begun working with county emergency management officials "to gather information about the resources needed for a governor's declaration."
"The health and welfare of Flint residents is a top priority, and we're committed to working closely with Mayor Weaver and the Genesee County Commission on a coordinated response to health and infrastructure issues," the statement says.
"The state police have been closely engaged in the situation since the beginning, meeting with both county and city leaders to guide them through state and federal laws regarding the emergency management process," the statement from Dave Murray, Snyder's press secretary, says. "Due to the uniqueness of this situation, we have to look at all possible options to help Flint residents."
The statement says prior to a formal declaration, the state is "recognizing this as an emergency and are working with city and county leaders to coordinate efforts, streamline communication and tap all available resources at the state's control."
Weaver declared that Flint had suffered a man-made disaster because of lead in water last month, the first step in requesting state and federal assistance.
The resolution signed by Curtis says, in part, that Flint residents were exposed to toxic levels of lead "due to utilizing the Flint River as a primary source of water without proper corrosion control treatment. We're not going to be ignored," Curtis said after declaring the county is in a state of emergency. "We're going to get the help that these people need."
That effort will be a part of the discussion between Weaver and Snyder on Thursday, a week after the governor said for the first time that he was "very sorry" for Flint's water crisis.
Genesee County Board of Commissioners Chairman Jamie Curtis joins with Flint Mayor Karen Weaver to declare state of emergency in Flint because of its water source issues.
The decision to use the Flint River as the city's water source came as the city was being run by four separate emergency managers appointed by Snyder and after the state failed to require the city to treat Flint River water to make it less corrosive. As a result, Weaver and other city officials have said, the corrosive river water damaged Flint's aging water distribution system while it was used from April 2014 until October 2015.
Corrosive water also caused lead to leach from pipes and fixtures, and the number of children with elevated blood lead levels in the city more than doubled while the river was in use, according to a Flint pediatrician's study released in September.
"We have damage to our people and our pipes," said Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, whose study of blood lead levels in Flint children showed the spike in lead children affected by elevated blood lead levels. "The damage exceeds the capacity for our city and possibly our state" to contend with ... "This is a catastrophe ... (like) the floods that just happened in Missouri," Hanna-Attisha told the commissioners today. "Our whole community has been traumatized."
Several Flint residents at today's commission meeting thanked county officials for helping Weaver seek state and federal funds.
"I just want to say thank-you for stepping up for us ... the poisoned families that have been struggling with this for so long," said Melissa Mays, a Flint mother who helped start Water You Fighting For, a grass roots group that campaigned to end the city's use of the Flint River.
Read more: http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2016/01/governor_must_decide_if_flint.html#incart_river_home
The Genesee County Commissioner taken the RIGHT STEP to declare on a County Level, a State of Emergency in Flint with the City's Toxic Water Crisis. Now, the declaration goes to the Governor -- Rick Snyder -- who allowed five Emergency Managers to put Flint in this situation in the first place, and did nothing.
Snyder claims he's "so sorry" for what was done to Flint. After this declaration, it is time to put up or shut up. Words are empty without the right actions. Likewise, even if Snyder declares Flint City proper under the state of Emergency, it should NOT stop the calls for an immediate Federal Investigation and the Governors resignation as it relates to this Crisis.
To let Rick Snyder slip under the rug for lead poisoning Children, Adults and Elderly of Flint -- would be a tragedy on top of a unjustified crisis.
Our Op/Ed: [bOpen Letter Gov. Rick Snyder: Too Late to Apologize About Flint's Water Crisis]
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